Roselinde Kaiser asks: what is it about the teen years that puts us at risk for depression – but also helps us to build resilience?


  1. This message will be ignored for sure but…
    Im coping with mental health issues…*haha teen things blah blah blah*
    But I know that where it all went wrong…my father killed himself…the same father who used to play with me and laugh like a sibling cause I had none.
    He killed himself as my mothers physician told him that the tumor they operated last month was cancerous
    He was devastated and killed himself
    Now I'm living with 2 family members my mom and depression
    I hope I get well because I hate misbehaving with my mom.
    I hate myself

  2. The epidemic of depression among kids today is due to a variety of reasons. Most of it stems from being born into a digital world with very little face to face interaction. They won’t realize or admit this for the most part because they don’t have anything to compare it to. They are the victims here. They communicate with the outside world primarily from their screens. There is nonstop drama. It’s all about who ghosted me, who cancelled me etc. It’s all so absurd but very prevalent at the same time. Their self worth and success at that young age is defined by followers, likes and subs. It’s all nonsense. I’m not saying all screen time is bad, I am typing this from my laptop. But during formative years it should be limited.

    Secondly, they are being used and manipulated by adults to further agendas. A 10 year old for example shouldn’t be spending inordinate amounts of time worrying about social issues and politics, they should be allowed to experience their childhood free from this stress. This point is tremendous as I have young children and they and all their friends are CONSUMED these past few years with politics, social justice etc. They are exposed to it via social media for the most part. I am not saying those topics are unimportant but if you think it is not contributing to adolescent anxiety and depression then I don’t know what to tell you.

  3. Because here I was all this time thinking that teen brains are broken and that’s why skateboarding is a felony with special circumstances carrying a mandatory prison sentence of 30 years to be run consecutively one year after the next with No bathroom breaks

  4. i just talked to a temporary therapist and she told me that it’s u who controls ur feelings and u shouldn’t let depression take over u. but it what if it already has? what if u had no other choice in everything? what if u do have a choice to be happy but no one helps u to be happy even urself? what if no one tries to understand u? what if someone or something already took over u that u offer ur entire capacity and attention to them because they trapped u and don’t understand u?
    depression isn’t something only one can get out of. if someone really cares, help that person with depression because it means a whole lot to them than having to live day by day trapped instead of doing something they once loved or enjoyed. at least they’ve got u to understand and help them.

  5. Parents: man up, don't be so dramatic, stop lying about having suicidal thoughts, stop being so childish ect

    Also parents: why aren't you trusting us? You can tell us everything! We love you! Why are you so distant?

  6. Set and setting I think is overlooked. Put a person in their setting which allows them to be the best version of themselves – unique and custom to every person – and I believe a person will then snowball into positivity and less mental illness.


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