THE APOSTLE PAUL ON “Woman’s Place” The Azusa Street Revival was a historic Pentecostal revival meeting that took place in …


  1. Had a dream about nazi camps in 2012 after I received My faith in Christ… had a dream of pope leading masses to destruction… a massive fleet of ships on the coast and a nuclear weapon launched… their flag was red with the crescent moon and star.. when the nuke was launched I screamed Jesus is coming!!!!

    also dreams of something colliding with the planet..

    And a very intense dream about thousands upon thousands of lights (like ufos but spiritual beings/angels?) swarming the earth…

    another time… walking mas dog… saw a basket of vivid bright fruit in the sky… came home.. opened bible right up to Amos 8 and first words I saw.. “a vision of ripe fruit”…

  2. Thank you and Amen to that.. I’ve been a serious member (council member and worship team) of the foursquare church for over 14 years and just lately have been searching for the absolute truth. And in my pursuit I believe that God is sending me to videos like yours. I left the foursquare church about two years ago and don’t miss one thing about it. Thanks for postin. God bless.

  3. Why would God give you dreams about America being decimated if the word says "that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty"?? Answer: because like Jesus said if the church loses it's savour it is therefore GOOD FOR NOTHING and to BE TRAMPLED UNDER FOOT OF MEN. And also, to be able to live peaceably in all godliness and honesty, THAT is conditional upon prayers, intercessions & giving of thanks be made for all men and for ALL IN AUTHORITY. But most Christians complain about & revolt against and talk against all who are in authority.


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