Have men actually been translated/transported in the spirit? John G Lake has…on multiple occasions. Check out this amazing …


  1. Brother Lake was physically teleported by the Holy Spirit. I have had dreams – where I was flying in my physical body – over skycrapers in cities,and fields where I lived as a boy,and over tops of a forest of pine trees at night. ALL IN LIVING COLOR. So electrifying. Nothing like it.

  2. The sad thing is that All of the body of Christ should be walk in mega amounts of power! 1 Corinthians 14:2- the revelation Gift is tongues. Satan couldn't destroy it but he confused it! We just have to get back the basics….Satan was clever in cutting our supply of power 1 Corinthians 14:2 the revelation Gift-tongues😉 there is a remnant of the remnant who will seek his face. Fasting,(pushing the ceiling of the flesh down), confession (change our thinking), private worship (the presence of God which sustains us in our soul thru attacks of the enemy:)

  3. Wow . This  video is  inspiring me so much. Everyone who  is watching to be blessed  with everything  they need  in their  life.   I actually created my own channel  called: Check it out and I will always follow back.


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