Most of his life, Dustin used alcohol to deaden his feelings of worthlessness. When he finally surrendered to God, his life was …


  1. Really touch my heart. I relate with him feeling "this is all my fault." As well that I have to "earn" God love because I'm not good enough. Encouraging testimony and it just helps my heart know that God loves me and I did not have to earn it.

  2. I was surprised when I found that divorce causes a lot of deep, long-term problems for a lot of people. Some churches do "marriage encounter" groups for people considering marriage, and many people find it extremely valuable. I wish all churches were trained to offer these programs. The family where we learn a lot about how to be human and function in the society. .

  3. He hit the nail right on the head as to WHY both CHRISTIAN'S and CHRISTIANITY get such a bad rap. It's because people who call themselves Christians don't really KNOW HOW to be Christians and think that just because they attend church once a week and/or maybe go to a Bible study here and there that they're somehow BETTER than everyone else and have the right to JUDGE OTHERS when THEY TOO fall just a short of the Glory of God as the rest of us. Christian means "FOLLOWER of Christ"…. So if you are not loving others as much as you love yourself and walking in obedience and repenting on a daily basis…..then you're merely just LUKE WARM and God Himself said he spit you out of His mouth. I can't begin to tell you how many so called Christian's that I've known throughout my 45 years have done MORE to PUSH OTHERS AWAY from the faith than they have to BRING THEM TO IT. Jesus Christ is UNCONDITIONAL LOVE….PLAIN AND SIMPLE. What He's NOT is a Republican or Democrat….nor is He Black or White….He's SIMPLY and PURELY LOVE and there isn't a single person on this planet that He DOESN'T LOVE!!!! So….next time you encounter another so called Christian looking down on you for mistakes you've made in your past, or how many tattoos you have or judge you because you're a DIVORCED single mom/dad….simply just PRAY for them…..and then tell them that you're SO HAPPY that the road to Heaven isn't through THEIR backyard 😊

  4. The sole purpose of this life is to love God and love your neighbor as yourself.

    True, if we love God we will obey His commandments.

    Thankfully we aren't saved by loving God but rather because He first loved us and gave Himself for us.

    Jesus is Lord God Almighty clothed in unsinful humanity and He is the author of eternal life to all who trust Him alone for salvation.

    Jesus paid for all the sins of all the world at the cross (past, present, and future). That payment is put to your account when you have believed on Christ alone for salvation.

    When you have believed on Christ alone for salvation then you have repented unto life.

    Salvation is absolutely free recieved solely by trusting in the person and finished work of Christ alone, and is certainly not conditional upon service to God.

    Service (discipleship) if you choose it can cost you everything if you go all out in serving God.

    Our good works, repenting of sins, and obedience, are solely for rewards in Heaven or a lack thereof and have absolutely nothing to do with salvation at all.

    The only reason anyone will ever be in Heaven is solely by the perfect life, shed blood, death, burial, and resurrection, of Jesus Christ alone.

    Anything added or subtracted from this is another gospel.


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