New Birth.


  1. Saints, the bible says you are asleep until that glorius day of judgement before the throne of God….so why do people think we are individually judged after each death an in heaven or hell before this happens?! Only ones in heaven is God, his son Jesus an the angels (ALL MEN ANGELS BY THE WAY, SCRIPTURE HAS NEVER NAMED ONE FEMALE ANGEL) ijs!!

  2. fake church folks celebrating a Mason and a Rapist….the Francis Pope day has been made…joy fills his Jesuit heart…..emotionalism on a low level…..worship who…whose your joy….lucifer or satan….cause Mason's do not serve the Creator but an fallen angel that will not bow to order and holiness…..I shall not be moved by what I see…you know a wicked tree by the wicked fruits it produce…..if these folks don't repent, the devil they exalt will devour them….and laugh while he's doing it….Now, run and go tell that and NO weapon spoken against me is ever gonna prosper….why? Because when you walk in Isaiah 43 and Psalm 1 and 91….the Father Alone is the Protector..

  3. Thank you for sharing.
    WE don't know IF these allegations are true or false.
    It's a tragedy either way.
    I pray for these young men.
    I pray for Lady Vanessa and her children and family.
    WE don't know what The Bishop cried out to God about in secret.
    God is the judge.
    WE ALL struggle.
    I pray for peace in this situation for those who feel the need to attack anyone who doesn't share the same views.
    That takes a heart of love and a heart of wisdom.

  4. WTF>> THEY think this guy is a "KING"?>.. eddie long YOU did wrong!…LOOKS like a Roman Catholic ceremony? Seriously?…. a legacy of screwing young boys?

  5. I have read most of the comments. I pray that God will heal the hurt between all viewers. We have to come together and show that we are the love that Jesus Christ died showing us. Whether guilty or not. We are the example left behind. I am an educator and know how we as "family" (home, church or school) have let our children down by not providing the protection that the older generation did. I pray that we all get together. Our children are a prize possession and we cannot protect them bitter and hurt. Be blessed, God's people!

  6. I will miss you Bishop Long!!😭😭😭😭😥😢
    I will remember all the wonderful love notes you taught me. RIP!! I love you and you will greatly be missed.

  7. He was woke anybody who followed him knew…he paid dearly for whatever mistakes he made yet he stood at one point I couldn’t listen too any preacher except him


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