There are stories of people with bullets in their head who don’t even know it. Many more people are living with toxic friendships …


  1. When I was a kid I had two toxic friends. They was really really bad and they bofe swearer so mutch and saying many questionable things… like for example: they says: let go to the S*# land and S*% people sooo hard.
    … Ik there crazy. And when I say to they parents what they doing no one of them believe me. I said it to my parents and they just was angry and fourth that I didn’t want to play with them. So 16 year of toxic and annoying friend 16 year of agony and pain… I am so glad it stopped.

    Edit: they starting swearing and saying some questionable things when that was 7 years old.

  2. Friendship is a two way journey
    So many lessons on both sides
    If we can get this message communicated to children so they learn how to talk about feelings and also listen to others with the mind to actually help each other and learn as normal /natural we’d go a long way to Stepping out of the emotional pain of judgment and canceling each other. There’s so much unnecessary drama 🎭 Would they be able to learn to become creative instead of reactive can we model this in our own lives ?…

  3. I've just ended a 10 year friendship. I was a loyal friend, I even bought her a car and various items of furniture, plus many smaller things that I know she wanted. Previously, I'd given her money to help her out when her husband died without any insurance. I'd noticed she seemed to be less than enthusiastic when I'd go to her house, and she disagreed with any statement I'd make. Finally, she decided that her neighbour, Joe, needed her attention more than I did. His wife had gone into a nursing home so she started to invite him out with us more and more. In the end I felt like a gooseberry, so I left her to it.
    She's never contacted me since, nor I her. The moral is…don't spend money and time on someone who takes all you offer and then decides you're no longer of any value! 😖🇬🇧

  4. It's almost to late when you get out, I've been there! I know now * I knew after a few months things were changing, but it took over 20yrs years to get out, * It just did, you get frightened, nervous, your in jail, you work but you come right home, don't talk to anyone,. Get the meal started,,keep quiet and busy, when your kids grow up you get stronger, and then you make a move, and deal with the damage

  5. I dont have a friend in the world. Im clearly not for for human consumption but I don't know why. Even my husband cheated. Oh well, whatever. Im resilient.

  6. What do u think about a friend that u confided in many years ago she repeated what I said I could have lost my job I didn't cause she didn't tell story right I got away from her for years now she's back in my life ?saying my deceased brother of 10 years tells her to watch over me isn't that sick???

  7. Funny how all these comments are from people who perceive themselves as "victims" of toxic friends ….a bit like no one ever remembers that they were a bully at school. … I don't have toxic friends but I do have needy , "oh woe is me" , "lets talk about me" , "how are you ? Ok ? Oh back to me then " friends…….. I give them my time because I'm nice and kind and want to help …luckily menopause has changed all that !!!

  8. That sounds great…however, your past friend sounds like a narcissist! I knew a friend for 10 yrs. and……she "ghosted" me!
    (typical narcissistic behavior)There's really no way of telling…..good boundries are a safty-precaution however. Knowing
    who "you" are & having a fair amount of self-esteem also helps. "hurt people…..hurt people.

  9. Good to admit that your needy desperation created a toxic dynamic. I've got great friends and none of us scream and cry and sob about our friendships. Go to emotions anonymous and get sorted before you try to make friends.

  10. I'm having different feelings about a long friendship I have since stopping drinking alcohol..getting together watching a game, drinking is what "we" did but now I see him in a different light.. I feel I'm his go to , to hang with when he needs time away from his partner as they both bump heads … I think instead I'll ask him to go on a hike or bike ride next time and see if he accepts, that should put things in perspective

  11. The root of toxicity is the ego, thinking you are right or them thinking they are right. Having that emotional intelligence to recognise this can be developed and worked on.

  12. U think u could share everything with ur BFF , But need to choose the correct friend to share ur thoughts, I shared and I was being criticised for being negative

  13. I would hold onto toxic friends too long when I was in my 20s and 30s but decided to thin the heard after a really volatile exchange with the most toxic of friends when I was 45. I stopped being friends with him and also with my other friends who were associated with him. So 3 for 1.

    Even if I have fewer friends today, I value quality over quantity

    Including the two other friends during the purge of the three was necessary to cut out the lead toxic friend out entirely. I didn’t want anymore updates or knowledge of what he was up to; dropping all three was the only way to be totally free.

  14. I thought I had a true friend… This individual touch been narcissist! Humiliation in a public place is not an actual humanity of in dignity for you ..! I have been where you are to date…

    Sometimes you have to leave The narcissist behind you..!!

  15. Getting dumped by a friend was devastating. We were best friends for close to twenty years. It took a while for me to realize – okay, a long while – this person never liked me as much as tolerated me. I thought we were peers; she thought she was better than me. No relationship can survive that kind of imbalance, and it re-wrote my entire address book. Friends who knew her thought I was at fault, and friends who didn’t know her were shocked by some of the more tawdry bits of the story. I learned a lot from this.

  16. Finding true friends is rare to find. I do not look at friends' videos. I do not use social media apps as I did before. I want to find new empath friends who are real friends to have. I can take a photo I do not need to put it out on social media to get status or likes. Taking a photo is not the most important in the beginning. The most important is to spend time and talk about deep things about everything on this planet also out in space. Gossiping or gaslighting is not my cup of tea. That is waste of time. I have had some friends that only wanted to hang out to use me.

  17. I love your honesty and showing your vulnerable side I had the same with one of my family members and I have started to safe care ..although I did go through the rage ( I had put a lid on that anger for so long ) ..thank you .

  18. I stopped wanted friends in all. Every single person met drained the life out of me. I'm happier now. I have my daughter to talk to all I need.

  19. Well one of my chilhood friends it' s like that. When I upload my pictures feeling happy then she uploads or post somethings with a passive tone. Once I upload a quote and then she posted something about that quote being wrong, also she excluded me and doesn't ask me about my feelings, when I talk with her was always ignoring me, even when I was one of the few friends of her, she excluded me. Anyways I don't hate her at all, I love her but I want to stay away from her.


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