Worship leader and pastor Darlene Zschech shares how she overcame a sudden miscarriage and kept worshiping God.


  1. Seeing this, makes me hold on to the hope that I will have more kids. After 2 losses I am just going to wait. I love the 1 son I have with me here on earth and take it day by day.  I was a wreck after 1 and then worse with the 2nd but for everyone out there that have not had that peace I recommend reading "Heaven is For Real". After reading that book,  I began looking forward to the day I will get to see my babies <3

  2. Would like to request for prayers.. our pgs (preimplantation genetic screening) for the 2 blastocysts (embryos) are coming out soon. Hoping for prayers that they have normal/complete chromosomes.. And i will be having my 5th LIT treatment this saturday, hoping my next test will be normal too.. i'm undergoing for another IVF and its keeping me worried/restless after i encountered miscarriage twice (first IVF, 2nd natural pregnancy). I believe that power of prayer will help us get through this trials in our lives. And that God will answer our prayers soon.


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