7 principles of an eagle by Dr. Myles Munroe. Dr. Munroe delves into the fascinating parallels between the majestic eagle and …


  1. 1. Eagles fly alone. 🐧
    2.Eagles Possess Vision!🐧
    The EAGLE is aware of everything, but only focused on one thing.
    Eagles are not distracted by pigeon.
    4. Eagles only eat live foods.
    But Vulture eat dead animals hence they are so ugly.
    Eagles eat fresh things.
    You need to feed yourself with new and fresh information's as an EAGLE!
    Feed your Visions with fresh motivations.
    Protect your dreamed and visions from others who discourage you.
    5.Eagles Always test before they trust.. The female EAGLE prove the male EAGLE by testing his commitment, they must work together before giving him her trust to mate her.
    6. Eagles love storms…they soar towards the storm…they fly into the challenge to have it solved. Challenges are good for a leader and a dreamer.
    The EAGLE runs into the storms because he relaxes soaring with the wind of the storm.
    The storm has come to make me better.
    The characteristics that I eschew during the storm is what makes you a leader.
    Eagles are not afraid of difficulties, that's what makes them Stronger.
    So I look at that problems and challenge this weekend, for it came to increase my altitude.
    7. Eagles invest time for training and development of others..
    Train and invest in other people in your Company. It should be built on trust and good relationship with people, not on money.
    Always impact your vision to the Herat's of your down line and the people to avoid Division.

  2. ❤🎉🥳🚪🎊🌬️🎁👫🗝️'s 💪 As Descendants of Abraham I'm in agreement with all Believers in the Royal Family of Faith according to God's Will and Purpose We Decree and Declare this Prayer is Answered Generationally in Jesus Name for His Name Sake Amen 😇🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🔥🙌🙌🙌🙌🔥💡 All Praise Honor and Glory be to God Our Father 💞 His Eternal Love Protects Us Daily!!!

  3. Success is a results of series of failures. Released others in flight as you, is the future of the Company.
    You cannot be in touch with all your down lines, you let them pass through what you experience to learn the rudiment of success.

  4. Using my imagination to be the best I can be this weekend.. Using my Focused Vision, one have not done before. To fly higher!🐧👸💖💙💚
    Diamonds talk positive.. Life is fantastic, business is prospering.
    But only those that have passed through pressure and overcome it becomes Diamond…💎💎💎💎💎

  5. Go back to your quiet lace..where your visions and dreams newly stated and meditate when you're getting discouraged about your business and God begin to give you new ideas, renewed vision and you will be strengthened to gorge ahead.
    I always do this. Thank You LORD for blessing me with all these qualities.. Principles of the eagle.👸🐧

  6. I hope this message will inspire most of you. I shared this tape because I couldn't find it anywhere on the internet, including YouTube. This tape has been in my possession for the last 15 years. I must admit, the audio was messy, and the video had many scratches. My editing software couldn't accept the video format because it was recorded way back in 1998.

    I worked on it for months, sometimes staying up until 3 a.m. to clean the audio and enhance the video quality. The video itself is about 4.5 GB in size, which caused my laptop to lag and freeze frequently. I almost quit, but THIS WAS A MESSAGE I WANTED TO SHARE WITH MY 1K SUBSCIBERS NOW 3K SUBSCRIBERS AS A SIGN OF APPRECIATION
    Please remember, ."…don't add to the wealth of the cemetery. Fulfill your dreams and accomplish the visions and goals God has placed in your heart. You were born for more. Let not the critics stop you, because they don't count."




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