Friendship can be hard sometimes. Especially finding a solid christian best friend who can lead you in the right direction! If you are …


  1. This is so true. It's important that your bestfriend is also of the same faith. When you get into something, a friend with not of the same faith can just give you a worldly advice. I also love that you mentioned that it is important that your bff should be a role model that has a good christian character. ❤

  2. I go to a public school and all my "friends" say they are Christian but they all worldly. I try to be that example for them to see Christ through me but it's hard when I can't talk to someone at school that truly has the same Faith as me.

  3. So, I'm starting this YouTube channel where I want to talk about the bible and sort o teach what I'm learning to those who are willing to watch. It's also kind of a way that I can rant when all my other non-homeschool friends are busy or unavailable or just wanna talk and not listen. But some of the things that I'm having problems are the equipment, mainly, and what to talk about! I've wanted to talk about what I've learned but when that gets boring I want to do something new! How do I stay motivated?

  4. I just saw your other Christmas video (how to keep Christ in Christmas) and I had a lightbulb: could you do something about Halloween? I’ve always wondered if I should “celebrate” it it not. Thanks, and awesome videos! ❤️❤️

  5. I have no friends.. not one. Literally. I live in such a small town and there’s hardly anyone young that goes to church out here. I wish I had a bf. Please pray that I find one (: I feel so lonely without a friend

  6. I'm so glad my sister and I are best friends (We're twins) but our two bestfriends friends (we're all a group) have everything a best friend should have except being a Christian😭 My sister and I talk about God's word but and been praying for them to be saved. Can you guys be able to pray for their salvation? That would just be wonderful to know there are others sisters in Christ that are praying for them.

  7. Hey who ever is reading this comment could you please pray for me I'm having a lot of troubles finding who I am with God and for some reason I've been having a lot of trouble feeling the holy spirit.Its making me have a lot of doubts so if you're reading pray for me please

    Also please excuse my bad grammar

  8. Hello, I'm Helen, from Brazil. I'm really happy with this channel, because I was asking for a channel that I could improve my English and grew up in faith. Thanks God, I found it. God bless you.

  9. None of my friends are Christians (besides one but our faiths are a bit different) and it's pretty common that I get judged for my faith. I wish I could meet someone who could share my beliefs but where I'm from there aren't many teenagers who believe and worship the bible! I pray for it tho and I hope God will answer my prayers one day:)

  10. Hi, my name is Moissés, I am a christian brazilian guy. I am looking for christian friends to help me learn the english lenguage and improve my speaking, and at the same time we can do it in a easy and fun way while we talk about the word of the Lord!

    That is my phone number to whatsapp:
    +55 11 96915-3231

  11. I felt so wrong after I found out that I was hanging out with the very wrong friend. God, I wish I could find my forever bestie who is got these qualities in the very very soon moment .

  12. I want a Christian friend I mean I do have friends from church but they’re kind of fake and I want a friend that will be there and be a good role model for as I am a teenager and teenagers nowadays are trying to be cool and stuff and I want a friend that will truly support me through my journey with god and not judge me .


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