7 MINUTES AGO: Cece Winans SLAMS T.D Jakes For His Creepy Gay Parties With Diddy At Church The black church community …


  1. What are yal doing for your Pastors? From the Bible! They are not like you! Put together and give them their own social outlet! Hell, they are coming against Hell everyday! They need something for themselves! Study them! See they eyes like you! Family like you! Needs like you! So, why you can't give him what you would want! Forgiveness! Who are you? Another them, maybe! Long was preaching against homosexuality, and then he become guilty of offending one!? So, promote a gym, a social area, or warm building for them. How you get to go out, and your Pastor stays ,in?

  2. And, yal need to study the word, worldly! Yes, we should stay safe from harm or danger, if that's the fear. But, a club is not in the Bible! Drinking is! I see some of your members in clubs! Put them in confinement, and, there go your man! In the arms of your lustful friend! All I'm saying is that, you show this Pastor no mercy for doing what yal are still doing! You think, holiness is a club! Who can stay out of clubs the longest!? Who can avoid liquor? Who can wait for marriage before sex! While this is beautiful to see and be! It's not the definition of wordly! And, it's not reality! You banking practices are wordly! Which is why you are not rich like you should be! Encourage your Pastor to reveal God's Wisdom to you! Take him out of solidary confinement! And, build them enjoyable places where they can vent! You doing like it's a game! You don't even call on Jesus, or even call His Name! You do your own thing! And, that's the shame! Bless you all. And, Bless those of you who are doing the same! Jesus, Help us all be more like you! And, be worthy of being called a Christian! It's about love! We all must listen! Listen! Listen! Our Hearts are calling us, or, the mind, that resembles that of the world? Amen . I stand guilty! If, accused!

  3. The emacalated male is the problem to many emotional males, women heads of most family households, and under the leadership of these preacher's and moral degergation followed. It is now more respectable to be a felon

  4. Jesus Christ is the rock. Jesus Christ is the head of the church ⛪️. Which is his body. Our bodies belong to Jesus Christ and we must keep our temples clean. We must keep our hands in Jesus Christ hands. Pray that Jesus Christ forgive you of your sins. Come to Jesus Christ now. Thank you Lord for being the one and only. I am going to serve you for the rest of my life. I am not pagan because I like the 🎄.

  5. Wow, maybe I wasn't listening, but CC Winans did not directly slam "TD Jakes".

    She just said things are changing, changing everywhere, which she indirectly mentioned the pulpit.

    Now stop! Anything for money, time and viewership. 😮

  6. God said, "Be Holy. There is too much emphasis on grace and mercy instead of sanctification, they all go hand and hand.This is why many say the church has to many rules Mr.Kirk Franklin the gospel industry is ran just like mainstream industry.


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