End times prophecies being fulfilled are all around us. It doesn’t take someone very long to look at the news and around the world …


  1. This is amazing! Just last night a contacted me on YT and told me that the only time Christ is mentioned is during singing. The rest of "church" service is basically self-help. An atheist recently was talking about what he thinks is going to happen with the world, and I couldn't help but recognize it was Biblical prophecy he was talking about. I'm not sure if he's even aware of it. Also, there have been so many scriptures jumping out at me that have been having such a profound affect on me. I've read them before, but it just seems as though Jesus is making me really take note. ?? I'm not describing this well at all. One more thing. It seems as though, with all of the division taking place, that the wheat and the tares are being separated. God Bless you brother!


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