Any man who can pay the price to know these 5 truths will be on fire and walk in dominion, Apostle Joshua Selman shares …


  1. Thou son of David have mercy on me, I'm weak I can't do anything by my self I submit to you lord, let me know you lord give me the wisdom to know you my lord in all dimensions and serve you, I can't pay the blood u pay for me but let me serve you everything for you my lord no body will share ur love place in this life Jesus only you my lord Lord show me mercy let me know you give me wisdom I was Muslim I'm just knowing u My lord

  2. 😊❤ the year 1995 revelations to the general church Alvaro Hernandez "The church is in danger", Gabriel Doufle, Ieva Khirkov, Lauren Johnson, Ubani Kingsley "The time is over", Kenzo Atsushi Chile

  3. Revelation 22:16
    Jesus Christ is EROS Lucifer morningstar
    Luke 22:7_38
    Jesus Christ EROS Lucifer morningstar
    Last supper from table to the grave
    Evidence Capuchin crypt and catacombs
    James 4:7
    God is Zeus Dionysus Dios goat devil 👿

  4. Revelation 22:16
    Jesus Christ is EROS Lucifer morningstar
    Luke 22:7_38
    Jesus Christ EROS Lucifer morningstar
    Last supper from table to the grave
    Evidence Capuchin crypt and catacombs
    James 4:7
    God is Zeus Dionysus Dios goat devil 👿

  5. The Lord has already started using me . I will not fail 😊🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾!! I'm grateful you didn't Apostle . You helped my knowledge of God 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾


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