5 Parenting Styles and Their Effects on Life

There are four widely researched styles of parenting: authoritative, permissive, authoritarian, and neglectful. The styles range from …


  1. I got Authoritarian mum and a neglecful dad. I never became obident and I never got attension at the same time mixing together TrAuMaTizEd for becoming a parent. Trust issues. Dosen't know how to deal with emotions. Can't even remember my childhood anymore. Just the feelings of being ungreatful and unloved.

  2. i think it depend on the child also
    so you discover your child and find the suitable way to make him growth well
    i lived by the neglectful type as the youngest child so it makes me run from bringing any attention , feels irritating


  4. After my parents visited my therapist multiple times without telling me to know more about me, a 20 yr old, my therapist said I have overinvolved parents lol.
    I grew up with them constantly doing everything, yet shame me for protesting for independence (bc it’s rude) AND not being independent enough. They’d go “ok fine then, we’ll give you responsibility then” and let me assume what those are. As soon as I mess up, ask questions, make personal decisions they don’t agree with, I am labeled as a princess by my dad and my mom goes back to doing everything. I wasn’t even allowed to sleep in on weekends and they gave me medication every morning at 6 am so I’d stay awake and get up. I got a huge breakdown from hearing their words in my head and got super depressed. It’s gone to a point that I want to leave them so bad but I don’t trust myself to do anything, much less drive or know how banking works and Iately I’ve been considering to just end it. Well, that or get them to back down by threatening my own life in front of them with a knife. I obviously won’t do the second and might just try to get it together to go to uni. Literally the only reason I’m alive is out of spite. Anyways, if you read this, thanks <3

  5. My mom is like a mix of authoritative parenting and permissive parenting- i can do what i want but theres obvious restrictions, i never get punished because i dont do wrong things in the first place, Idk but i feel over the top caring about peoples feelings to the extent that i get my way because everyone likes me.

  6. 5 types of parenting ?? There are more than 5 ! The 6th is the best way of parenting children is to let them parenting their parents ! They will have to take decisions, responsabilities, and teach themselves, Then when they will become adult faster and integrate the society easily and find better jobs. Our society is hard, as soon as you know it you are a adult ready to survive !!

  7. One thing that may be helpful in our MASS SHOOTINGS/ VIOLENT times…anger management for KIDS! Weapons will always be around…I drove
    Hmong kids around. No problems. American kids can be a problem. Out of control. Gee…bus driver shortage….wonder why🙄

  8. My Mother was permissive and neglectful and my dad was authoritarian and neglectful– really just a spectacular combo. I could do whatever I wanted, and then I suddenly couldn't do whatever I wanted. I'm not sure they actually did any of the, yah know, parenting job. I just sort of got what I wanted and got beat up sometimes (understating). I never really learned anything from them, like, laundry or license or punctuality or how to create human connection either. Really awesome experience to just have stuff, get beat up sometimes, and still have no idea what you're doing by the time you turn 18. 

    I have this unsatisfactory feeling of "that was it?" when I realize my childhood is over and my parents never really tried. I think they just kinda assumed that when I got to a certain age they could just call it quits, and so they just held out until I hit that age and they just never put in the effort. They were like "ok is good enough :)" and I still needed like a solid 3 more years in the oven and at the correct temperature this time. Of course, in that undercooked state, I had massive debilitating anxiety, so it all lines up.

    If I ever become successful, the proof is right here, my parents were a clown show through and through who never put a gosh darn ounce of effort into me. They can try to take credit and spin the facts, but they never tried, ever. It's always just been me and stuff. Because stuff and a big house means parenting, right? Hey guys look, it's a rich kid complaining! Haha, stuff = happy childhood [no other ingredients required], we all know that! No wonder you became successful, you had stuff!

    So if I'm being honest, I'm conflicted. I have a long, detailed list of reasons to hate them– to truly despise them. But at the same time, like, I don't care enough to make a big deal about it. It's like, imagine if a person with a mental disability kicks your shins in. Like, you're going to be really mad about it in the moment, but at the same time, why are you wasting your time ragging on some dude missing a prefrontal cortex? And someone should definitely to do something about the cousin guy terrorizing everyone, but the shins are kicked and you really just want to go about your day.

    I think I'm just going to a pull a classic maneuver and never talk to them again once I move off to college. Dragged me away from my entire family up north just to substitute them with pure neglect and chaos. Wow! Really appreciative guys. Sure plan on talking to you again. You guys totally deserve it, #1 parents.

  9. My Mother was permissive and neglectful and my dad was authoritarian and neglectful– really just a spectacular combo. I could do whatever I wanted, and then I suddenly couldn't do whatever I wanted. I'm not sure they actually did any of the, yah know, parenting job. I just sort of got what I wanted and got beat up sometimes (understating). I never really learned anything from them, like, laundry or license or punctuality or how to create human connection either. Really awesome experience to just have stuff, get beat up sometimes, and still have no idea what you're doing by the time you turn 18.

    I have this unsatisfactory feeling of "that was it?" when I realize my childhood is over and my parents never really tried. I think they just kinda assumed that when I got to a certain age they could just call it quits, and so they just held out until I hit that age and they just never put in the effort. They were like "ok is good enough :)" and I still needed like a solid 3 more years in the oven and at the correct temperature this time. Of course, in that undercooked state, I had massive debilitating anxiety, so it all lines up.

    If I ever become successful, the proof is right here, my parents were a clown show through and through who never put a gosh darn ounce of effort into me. They can try to take credit and spin the facts, but they never tried, ever. It's always just been me and stuff. Because stuff and a big house means parenting, right? Hey guys look, it's a rich kid complaining! Haha, stuff = happy childhood (no other ingredients required), we all know that! No wonder you became successful, you had stuff!

    So if I'm being honest, I'm conflicted. I have a long, detailed list of reasons to hate them– to truly despise them. But at the same time, like, I don't care enough to make a big deal about it. It's like, imagine if a person with a mental disability kicks your shins in. Like, you're going to be really mad about it in the moment, but at the same time, why are you wasting your time ragging on some dude missing a prefrontal cortex? And someone should definitely to do something about the cousin guy terrorizing everyone, but the shins are kicked and you really just want to go about your day.

    I think I'm just going to a pull a classic maneuver and never talk to them again once I move off to college. Dragged me away from my entire family up north just to substitute them with pure neglect and chaos. Wow! Really appreciative guys. Sure plan on talking to you again. You guys totally deserve it, #1 parents.

  10. My parents used all 5 of them one week they could be taking me to carnivals and buying me whatever I asked for and the next week my mom would be kicking 8 year old me out of the house for wearing the same shirt twice in a row.

  11. The problem with 'most' unsuccessful parent-child relationships is that they see 'starting a family' and 'giving birth to a child' as a "duty" and "responsibility" than making that decision when you are actually ready for it and are doing it out of love, not responsibility or duty.

  12. Sometimes it's hard to keep a good balance as a parent.. Even hard to notice or understand when our parenting may be below par..
    I always try to remember that in the long run we aren't really raising children. We are raising adults, our next generation. So I try to treat them not as kids but just people, really important people and always explain things to them and then explain why I'm explaining it..
    I don't expect them to act like little grown up or take their childhood but I do want them to know and understand that they will be and it's not a bad idea to give them an early start on gathering the tools needed to think like one, while also still be a kid and have fun and a great childhood.. Love, knowledge, respectfulness and discipline when necessary is important and them understanding why they are be disciplined and knowing they can change it.. You'd be surprised how far just having a serious , well explained, thought out conversation will go Sometimes…

  13. What about abusive parent's that want complete control, but abuse their kids, never show any caring emotion what so ever and only have kids get treated by doctors unless it is a dire emergency or if the school or grandparents step in and demand it? Wouldn't that be an additional 6th parenting style? That was my childhood and in my adult life i suffer because of it. Where do people like me fit in to this scenario?

  14. This is assuming both parents agree to a particular style. It would be very interesting to see the outcomes of those children with dysfunctional parents where each have different styles.

  15. My parents are somehow neglecting, controlling and yet somehow over loving all at the same time. One parent is loving and emotionally present and yet the other is neglecting and cold

  16. I'm pretty sure my parents tried to be at least a little authoritative, but realized they didn't have nearly enough energy to put up with a child as stubborn as me, so they just became totally permissive to save the headache.

  17. My parents were both authoritarian and neglectful to us and caused a lot of mental issues to me and my sisters. Also doesn't help that their narcissist mfs, you can't just win against them :/

  18. My parents are definitely the 5th style, i'm 20 and i'm gonna be honest, i act like a completely child, i never had a job and i get everything i want
    I do not act like a little spoiled brat, i can be friendly and humble to others and i understand when people aren't always disponible to me, but when it comes to my parents, they were always there for me, specially my mom, i never went through a really hard situation where i had to solve it by myself, because my parents were always there to help me, and now i am an adult and don't know how to act like one, always need someone to hold my hand.

  19. This is weird. I always thought I had authoritarian parents, like Sara's. No doubt there were rules, but you needed to be telepathic: you wouldn't find out what they were till you were scolded or punished for breaking one. And yet your description of Nora is very much me – no praise, no positive attention, nobody cares as long as they can have a quiet life, doing what they want.
    Is it possible to use two different parenting styles, or do I need to rethink what my parents' style was?

  20. my mom is “take out anger on the kid and play victim by manipulating and gaslighting the kid into thinking they’re the problem while also immediately switching up and being super happy around others and forgetting your kid is still a kid.” While my dad is “give the child a lot of love and affection while still knowing boundaries, saying sorry, and knowing when to be firm versus not as firm, and also recognizing when a kid is struggling and asking them about it.”
    guess which one I like more

  21. My parents were both different blends of authoritarian and neglectful. My mom being mostly authoritarian, being very controlling when I needed freedom and neglectful when I need guidance and affection. Her only means of communication was yelling. My dad was mostly neglectful, with bouts of authoritarian when conflicts arose. As a result, I’m now an anxious, depressed person who can never make a decision and has trouble forming relationships. Thanks a lot, Mom and Dad.

  22. Pretty sure i'm the thirth type .
    He can play , but when i say its time to stop . Its time to stop , giving 5 minutes to do so. Still havent stopped , hey there is a little button 😁

  23. To me personally my father is neglectant but my mother is somewhat authoritative and is still loving, but because of her religion and ideals it hurts me for the fact that it affects my own opinions as well as my lifestyle.


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