Are you ready to make a defense for the Christian worldview? This video will help you get started! Resources mentioned in the …


  1. Just to be clear, Jesus existing is not a point for the validity of Christianity. There is literally nothing less impressive a person can do than exist. That is the only thing that every person ever has achieved. As an atheist, I am fine with accepting Jesus' existence. It proves nothing in relation to supernatural "miraculous" claims. So save your breath about Josephus and Tacitus, I truly don't care.

  2. I wonder about this term apologetics. Sounds like a group of people who go around apologizing for the Word of God. The term Defenders is more apt in my view. In war, you have offense and defense. Offense are warriors or the act of warring. Defense are defenders or the act of defending. If I say to someone, "Your religion is a lie and this is why." I am not apologizing for anything. If they say, "Your Bible is wrong and here's why…" and I reply, "That's where you are wrong and here's why…" I am not apologizing for my religion, I am defending my religion. Someone help me to understand this? I missed it where Christ commands us to be apologetic to the world, or am I using that new word wrong?

  3. God also put preventative measures in place so that the poor had the help they needed to not land in a state of servitude.. we're talking about a culture that was allowed to punish quite severely those in indebtedness to leaving the edges of a field for the poor and loaning money with no interest was commanded by God. He also made it illegal to kidnap or abuse a brother so this was only done by mutual agreement and slaves were not only well provided for but had a mandatory day of rest and no matter what they owed after seven years they had to be let free unless a permanent work agreement was made by both parties for future work…

  4. So a lot of people in the Bible said in the Bible that they believed the Bible? I'm shocked ! Imagine if there were 43,382 people alive at the time of Jesus's death who didn't believe he rose from the dead… what the chances that would gotten their opinions mentioned in the Bible?

    If you open the Bible already assuming God had it published, you are going to believe it. That's also how Muslims become Muslims and Hindus become Hindus.

    The Bible becomes the focus of your religion… that's idolatry. Bible words and stories become your religion… the Bible becomes your Golden Calf.

    But I get it, what else is there to focus on? There is only The Book, its stories, and stories people tell you about the Stories in The Book.
    And round and round you go. Pretending to know what you do not know.

  5. If 2000 years from now, Harry Potter books can be claimed to be unchanged from the originals, does that add to the credibility of the stories being real? Of course not. Having the original of anything doesn't answer the truthfulness of it.

  6. At best, history can suggest that Jesus actually existed. As you say, we have a suggested belief of a risen Jesus, but we also have a history of people dying for all sorts of crazy beliefs. There are also questions of why did the writers wait so long to record the life of Jesus and why did they rely heavily upon other written sources, including the OT itself to create their stories? None of the writers were reporting the news as it happened but rather doing their own individual research to create the stories of Jesus. Why does Matthew and Luke rely heavily on Mark's gospel? Why does Mark and Paul tell us the stories came from Peter and why would they believe Peter? There have been many Christians who have studied their way out of Christianity because of things like this. There are plenty of great emotional reasons for becoming a Christian, but no decent intellectual reasons to become one but instead many intellectual reasons for leaving Christianity. Even if the Christian God and Jesus are real in existence and purpose, the bible simply does a horrible job in representing this actuality and comes across as human ignorance attempting its best at understanding something way beyond their intellect. I do agree that people want to have good reasons for why they believe anything to be true and I find that when a Christian wants to truly know if their reasoning is valid and studies the bible and other things we know, discovers their reasoning isn't as good as they originally thought, thus lose the belief that Christianity is valid. Most people are Christians for superficial reasons and looking at the bible too closely often reveals this. This is why all religious scholars are not Christians, the case is extremely lacking.

  7. To end the war in Ukraine the discovery that atheism is a logical fallacy needs to be news. I talk to open minded people searching for the truth and if that is not your case i recommend to abandon the reading inmediately until you are. Atheism is the belief inmune to arguments that everything came from nothing. After explaining “nothing” is absence of existence one atheist asked me “Can you provide a cup of this “nothing” to test?”. The most emblematic remark of atheism is the nonsensical question “who created god?” that means “who created what is not created?”. The proof that God exists is the kalam cosmological argument that atheists believe is debunked saying “the kalam cosmological argument has already been debunked”. If you don’t understand why logically the universe can not be eternal is because atheists want you ignorant making foolish remarks. Atheism is like religion, and atheists have their own quantum physics a la carte that is made up as the debate goes along, but we know only one could be right and all the others are lies, and the logical conclusion is that all are liars because it is impossible the existence of the creation without the existence of the creator. What more proof do you need that atheism is a lie that that looks like a lie that harms innocent and vulnerable children? The universe can not be eternal because it is impossible the existence of an infinite sequence of causes and effects without a beginning of existence. The son can not exist without the parents, that can not exist without the grandparents, and so on so forth endlessly without a beginning of existence, therefore an eternal entity that created the creation, or what has a beginning of existence, must exist. God is the first uncaused cause that the kalam cosmological argument talks about and the existence of God means that a reality that transcends the universe of an infinite nature exists. There is absolute certainty that an inteligence created the creation because the moment of the creation of life or finitude was uncaused or uncreated, therefore the creator is will, decision, consciousness.

    Atheism is a logical fallacy that assumes God is the religious idea of the creator of the creation to conclude wrongly that no creator exists because a particular idea of God doesn’t exist. The atheist logical fallacy would test your IQ and if you don’t understand it children would explain it to you because it is easy to understand being honest and impossible lying to oneself. Atheists would ask “why not believing in fairy tales is a logical fallacy?” confirming I am right and atheists believe God is sky daddy and don’t believe God exists, and they are wrong because they believe. To know if something exists or not first we must know what is that something, and atheists believe God is a personification of oneself to worship, obey and fear and they are wrong because the creator of the creation is something real, substance, a metaphysical entity. The evidence that the creator exists is the creation and is everywhere always because God is all eternal and infinite reality. An atheist is an organ asking for evidence that the body exists. The proof that atheism is a logical fallacy is that atheists consider debunking the religious idea of God proof that God doesn’t exist (there is a video in YouTube titled “100% proof god does not exist. Omnipotence and Epicurean paradox”). With arguments that debunk the religious idea of God only can be concluded rationally that a personal religious god doesn’t exist. To understand atheism is a logical fallacy ask yourself why atheists address God as “he”. Atheists boast about being all evidence but they have believed the creator of the creation is a male person living in the sky without any. One of the innumerable examples of the atheist logical fallacy is the quote “We must question the story logic of having an all-knowing all-powerful God, who creates faulty Humans, and then blames them for his own mistakes.” by Gene Roddenberry. Gene concludes no creator exists providing arguments that only debunk the religious idea of the creator of the creation. Atheism defends an idea without any arguments and the result are confusing verbiage, pedantry, quantum physics a la carte and innumerable nonsensical remarks. The proof that atheism is a cult i escaped from is that i am trying to end religion with a new concept of God and I find the insurmountable opposition of atheists.

  8. An atheist never has to “disprove god exist”. You as a Christian don’t believe that werewolves, centaurs, Fairies or dragons exist and you never bother to disprove their existence. The positive claim needs to be supported. An atheist does not believe in a god because there is no strong convincing evidence that any god exist. You don’t believe in Thor or Zeus and you cannot prove they don’t exist nor do you need to!That’s silly so get better apologetics than that!

  9. Your male and female slaves are to come from the nations around you; from them you may buy slaves. You may also buy some of the temporary residents living among you and members of their clans born in your country, and THEY WILL BECOME YOUR PROPERTY. You CAN BEQUEATH THEM TO YOUR CHILDREN AS INHERITED PROPERTY and CAN MAKE THEM SLAVES FOR LIFE, but you must not rule over your fellow Israelites ruthlessly
    Leviticus 25:44-46

    God commanded that slaves were property, they were owned for life and could be passed on to your children just like new world European slavery. The only difference as outlined above is that Hebrew slaves must be treated differently

    Anyone who beats their male or female slave with a rod must be punished if the salve dies as a direct result but are not to be punished if the slave recovers after a day or two, since the slave is their property
    Exodus 21:20-21

    Slaves could be mistreated beaten to near death as long as they recovery within 2 days. Do not lay this BS on that slavery was somehow different back then. Owning another human as property is immoral and this character of God in your bible is immoral for condoning this. You can swallow the apologist BS that it was slavery light but it is in black and white in your holy book exactly how slaves were treated. There is no getting around this. It is clear as day what Yahew's stance is on slavery. Most christians just don't bother to read their bible and if they do, they do not stop to think about what they just read!

  10. Is the new testament corrupted? Absolutely yes. See the footnotes in your bible for Mark 16:9-20. There is no post resurrection appearance for Jesus in Mark and it was added later by scribes. See also John 8:1-11 which was added also by scribes and never happened. That's just the stories we know that were not part of the original text! so yea, it's corrupted!

  11. Once you die that’s it, you were lied to as a child, so was I, let’s break free from childhood lies and abuse, you’re an adult now right so you know how sad and easy it is to lie to kids, please don’t give them false hope, tell them your god is a lie and they should enjoy the one life they have in this puny universe, don’t let your trauma block them from being happy

  12. 1 Timothy 2:11-13 A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. 12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet.

    Please remember this is a platform on which you now wrongfully teaching men things of the spirit.
    If you have no comprehension or conviction of this scripture, I would pray on it and seek the Lord, I'm sure you have been admonished on it before, and have probably found your own platform on which to teach admonishment free, to ease your sinful feelings of breaking God's commandment. It is not too late to have a repentitive heart and also to redirect your teachings to younger, less spiritually mature women who need to hear this message to apologize to other women. Titus 2:3-5 3 Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. Jesus' ministry is even easier on women, those list of standards is much shorter than the ones he holds men of the ministry to. Jesus just asks that you repent of your original sin of usurping the man and leading him into sin by no longer having leadership capabilities, but being humble and following the man while he follows God. He allows women to teach to disciple upon one another and even kept women disciples and followers. Jesus loves and blesses anyone who seeks to follow his father's will, and living in unrepentant sin is not his will.

  13. 0:47 Apologetics are based on science and history? No, that claim is completely laughable. Philosophy and logic are accurate to some degree but apologetics are still heavily reliant on the special pleading fallacy.

    1:10 Five claims? Okay, let's hear them.

    1:46 Corrupted? This is a false claim since it assumes original accuracy and that is what you are trying to prove. So, 0 for 1.

    3:00 Evidence for resurrection? Poor arguments. 0 for 2.

    4:27 Has science disproved God? Wow, these arguments are really bad. Actually there is a scientific, non-material disproof of an intelligent creator. So, 0 for 3.

    5:22 Does the Bible condone slavery? No, what you are claiming is false since you are limiting your description to Hebrew slaves rather than non-Hebrew slaves who were not freed after 7 years nor were the children of slaves. Very dishonest. 0 for 4.

    7:26 Is there non-biblical evidence for Jesus? Well, that would normally be an easy question, but you are vastly overstating the evidence. The actual evidence could refer to multiple people rather than one specific person. So, 0 for 5.

  14. Apologetic is the topic of every Presbyterian Church here in Mizoram.
    If you'd like to come and experience for yourself how God has blessed His thriving churches here don't hesitate to look me up.
    I'd be glad to show you around.

  15. The only thing I definitely don't agree with, is her answer to the question of slavery. Read Exodus, that is NOT servitude, and I think we should just take this on the chin. There are later verses which are definitely anti-slavery, but to say slavery isn't condoned in the Bible when it clearly is in the Old Testament, is just plain wrong and bordering on an outright lie.

  16. @alisachilders The link the description to your book is broken. It goes to your site but with the error "This page doesnt seem to exit". The link in the description omits the '-' between 'another' and 'gospel'. – Wonderful concise survey of the major works of apologetics. I'm looking forward to your other content.

  17. There are no indigenous people in the Americas. Every person is an immigrants. They just immigrated at different times. The American and South American Indians migrated during the last major ice age on the land bridge across the Bering Sea, and what happened was GOD’s will. GOD gives GOD can take away. GOD has taken many lands away from many people, because they continued to worship the demonic instead of him. The most famous is when GOD took the land away from the Canaanites and gave it to the Jews. The American Indian was wasting the land. They were not developing it. GOD gave North America to the world. North America is not just purely European decent. America is a melting pot of the world. There are people in America from the four corners of the globe. GOD gives and GOD can take away. A perfect example is Lot. Read it!

  18. All a person has to do is look at all the research available on The Shroud of Turin. The Shroud is the most investigated and tested article in antiquity. There were over 2,000 scientists who tested The Shroud. There finding are amazing. One being The Shroud should not exist. The Shroud defies all laws of physics. Crime scene investigators treated The Shroud as a crime scene. The Shroud is 2,000 years old. It was made around the Dead Sea area. It was also made with a double herringbone weave, and has no cotton in it except for the professional repair job from a mid evil fire. We know the man on The Shroud was 5’11’’ tall and weighed 175lbs. We know the man was crucified with a cap of thorns on his head. We know that the man was beaten mercilessly and bled profusely. The man had AB blood from the mother. The father’s DNA is unidentifiable. The man was scourged over 400 times. he had a total of over 600 injuries. The man’s legs were not broken against the policy at the time. The man had a small ingot placed in his beard which read “ The Lamb of GOD “ in Aramaic. Scientifically The Shroud can not be explained. It is a three dimensional hologram image on a two dimensional surface. The Shroud can not be replicated. Our technology can not reproduce that cloth. A person can also look up “ The Sudarium of Oviedo.” It is uncanny that the wound marks including the thorns match perfectly. The evidence from The Shroud and The Sudarium tells the researchers that it was the same man who was buried. GOD Bless!

  19. Slavery in the Old Testament was worse than slavery in America. The Jews were slaves for over 400 years in Egypt. The Jews built the Great Pyramids of Giza. The Jews were slaves in Babylon until the Persian king freed them. The Jews also built the Roman coliseums and were thrown in the coliseums for entertainment until Christianity came around. Slaves in the Old Testament did not have rights. Slaves in the Old Testament were not human. The death of a Jew was worth nothing. The Jews were carried off into slavery multiple times during their long history. The Philistines enslaved the Jews. The Jews never had any rights. Anyone who says that is lying to you.

  20. When I hear it said that God moves in mysterious ways, I cannot but think of all those priests in all kinds of religions – people allegedly representing God on Earth in their own, often mutually exclusive, ways – that sexually molest children. I can even accept the notion that this God character's ways must necessarily be mysterious, but why, oh why, do they also have to be so unabashedly vile, repugnant, depraved, degenerate, debased and sickening?

  21. 1:41 How can you claim that you have textual criticism on your side when every aspect of textual criticism that doesn't line up with your world view is rejected? For example, the claim that no additions to the scriptures was significant, well what about 1 John 5.7? This is the only place where the Trinity is explicitly mentioned, yet this is added later. So, that seems to be a pretty drastic change. If you want to actually go to real textual critics, please find someone who does secular scholarship.
    3:00 Almost all of these statics or facts are given with a slant to make them look better. The consensus of most scholars I have heard is that Jesus was likely not even buried in decent tomb, but likely in a mass grave. No secular historians will attest that Jesus was historically raised from the dead. They may say that people believed he was raised from the dead, but that is a different claim.
    4:24 Science, or logic, can neither prove or disprove the existence of something which is not observable. Again, there is not a single scientist who bases their lack of belief of God on science. That is a strawman, and not dealing with the logic that leads many to not believe in any divine being. 4:58 this is a biased quotation that requires belief in God to make sense of it, and is largely irrelevant.
    5:19 This is absolutely the worst type of apologetics. Everything said here is wrong, please look up "Dan Mcclellan slavery" on youtube for an actual discussion of why everything said here is wrong. Slavery is wrong and the bible absolutely condones the worst type of slavery. That is ok, unless you require the bible to be 100% accurate due to your own self-imposed beliefs. Please do not engage in this gross activity.
    7:24 Again, this is wrong. Jesus is mentioned ONLY by Josephus. These other authors mention Christians, but not Jesus.


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