#5 Alternatives to kp0p/kdrama ๐Ÿ’– part one | Christian K-Series

1.) butso hands up Channel: https://youtube.com/channel/UCsD4qHGC9SxK2567sg3V8oQ Busking playlist: …


  1. Hailing from Ghana, of late I have tried learning Korean language and the only Korean learning advice I get from YouTube is listen to Kpop and kdrama but right from the word go I never liked them and detested them in my heart….

    What really makes me happy is the links you have provided…. Am grateful sister

  2. WOW I LOVE THIS. MORE VIDEOS LIKE THIS. I WAS Actually into Kpop and I didn't know such things, not until Lord seems to guide me and made me into path of light and knowledge and seems to educate me. These past days I got closer to The Lord and I feel like the Lord is leading me now. I have read that I should read the bible first in the morning before eating foods in this world, I cant remember the exact sentence but it made me read and be more in deep in reading the Bible. I havent done it beforee. And it made me seek more of God. Heavenly Father.

    I feel like I have opened my eyes recently and guided through videos like telling how disney is evil, I was shocked! And there, I started to wonder if Kpop is good for me as well. I began to wonder if is it okay to continue making Kpop dance covers and listening to them cuz I'm beginning to be bothered by their lyrics. And BOOM! HERE I AM Thanks Jesus. He is Alive!

  3. Thank you for making this video. I feel the same way about this topic. You comedy relief comment help me finally realize that I needed to surrender this sin to God. Thank you โค๏ธ

  4. Beside CBS Joy and maybe two others, everything you recommended was worldly!! Dancing like the world glorifies God???

    I couldn't even tell they were Christians. God knows His own and they have godly character and are led by the Holy Spirit. He will never EVER shape you like the world but like Christ.

    If your testimony and lifestyle looks just like the world but with a Christian label slapped on it then you're in a dangerous position. You need to examine your heart and ask God to fill you with the Holy Ghost.

    Love not the world nor the things that are in world. You are the salt and light of the world. If salt has lost it's flavor it is good for nothing.

  5. This is so so very helpful. I recently decided to stop watching k drama, of which I was a very big fan of, because I felt that the Holy Spirit would convict me in a way and my spirit wouldn't feel right when I was watching it. And so that left me with a space in the time of my day that needed to be filled bc I was constantly watching k drama throughout the day, but finding your video has helped alot. Not only bc now I have something I can be watching, but also bc now I have CHRISTIAN KOREAN content to watch. This means alot bc I had grown fond of the Korean culture and finding out that there are Christian alternatives of the Korean content I've been watching is reall…well just amazing. God bless you for your effort to put this out there sis๐Ÿ’“


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