40 Nights – “40 Nights” is the first of the QUEST TRILOGY – films sharing alike themes of sacrifice and faith. These films focus on …


  1. I am all for creative embellishments as led by the Holy Spirit, which is why I Love "The Chosen" series, but this movie is so much "mess," it's exactly why The Church is so deceived about who Christ is. I couldn't even finish it. I usually don't get this raw, but after less than half way through, right after lucifer knocked out Jesus, and then the next scene as lucifer "knew" Christ was going to the cross, I just couldn't take it any more, I had to stop watching. With deception like this, its no wonder we stay deceived concerning who Yeshua really is, LOVER AND WARRIOR, and the essence of true holiness. Holiness is not devoid of a personality. but this is what The Church believes as this movie depicts, which is why we're robotic puppets "under control" as the world runs from The Church. For those who seek to watch this film, "just say no."


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