We are an interdenominational and non-denominational international Ministry to the body of Christ with the mandate of restoring …


  1. @Apostle Arome Osayi Hi sir.. I wanted to ask you… why is it that whenever you or others state that you met/ saw Jesus, you never mention how he looks like. This is something that has always bothered me and I'm sure many others too especially since in these times new heresies such as Hebrew Israelites that claim Jesus is black have arisen. An answer to this question would bring clarity to those who need it such as myself . Please respond either through this line of communication or perhaps, better through the podium that others may too be informed. Thanks Gby.

  2. Apostle. Thankyou for being a gift to my life. I have followed your teaching on Financial Warfare. I dont know how I feel.
    Thankyou for resetting my carnal perspective of Kingdom Prosperity. I have never heard this take on Kingdom Prosperity. 😭

  3. Sir, God has bless you so much deep revelation for those that want the truth God's way.
    Sir, kindly help us to collate the spiritual warfare series.
    You will never go down in Jesus name. May God continue to uphold you till you will see Jesus in glory in Jesus name


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