We are an interdenominational and non-denominational international Ministry to the body of Christ with the mandate of restoring …


  1. Yessss God raised up a old man & a barren women-into a numerous nation–a multitude like sand of the sea…God would then multiply this righteous man–& make a flourishing nation–through Abraham—–WHO but through a REMNANT–of the pre-captivity-Israel-many in number—thousands—that is IF—THEY WOULD ONLY BELIEVE HIM!!!

  2. To Pastor Tony. May God be praised in your life, thank you for the amazing teachings on Spirit Warfare Aids very use ful information gleaned. May God continue to be glorified in your life and Family. In Jesus MIGHTY name we pray for you.

  3. we all claim the blessings promised to Abraham and we're bankrupt of the knowledge that translate to actualization of these blessings🙌! If we must win by righteousness then there's a need to be patient 💯The system is not programmed to favour us!

  4. Wow….. It's building more and more…… God bless Apostle Sir……God bless Our Choir Team too, but Please let's put much more Life to Our Ministration so as to convey the full import of the atmosphere, many are blessed from your Ministration I felt I should share this seeing It's importance it holds…remember that many watch and rewatch again and Again

  5. Glory Hallelujah! I'm blessed (empowered) to prosper.

    Isa. 51:1-2 – Only the righteous are implicated by this scripture. Abraham is our pattern to the conversion of the blessing for advancement of Kingdom frontiers here on earth.

    Isa. 58:11 – There is a spring that defies drought. Our prosperity is not seasonal – it's always.

    Gal. 3:13-14 – the Holy Spirit is our seal of the Blessing. He is the Spirit that prospers us.

    Gen. 12:1-2; like Adam & Noah, Abraham is a beginner and we must look to him as a pattern.

    Eph. 1:3 – No policy of evil men & government can affect the value of the Blessing & it can never be negotiated by the devil. The Blessing is in Heaven and in Christ Jesus.

    Indeed, the difference between prosperity, materialism & manipulation is clear.

    Grace to grace Apostle Arome Osayi.


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