During the late colonial period of America history, it is likely that the best known, and best loved personality on the landscape was …


  1. As far as slavery is concerned, I don't think the comparison between Paul's view of slavery and Whitfield of slavery is quite comparable. During Paul's era, most of the population had been slaves which is very different from very cruel and sadistic kind of racially motivated slavery that existed in the United States. Indentured servitude is probably more correct to refer to the social condition during the life of the Apostle Paul than slavery – at least the way slavery is practiced in this country. For sure, we all fall short of glory and wisdom but the fact that christians, including preachers approved or even accommodated slavery is one of the greatest sins committed to God's equally cherished people.

  2. I confess I don't see the humility in the doctrine of election.  In fact, the perspective it presupposes tends toward the opposite.  One only "glories" in himself when he believes his actions are virtuous.  But where is the virtue in a sick man choosing to go to a doctor?  Choosing to be fixed only necessitates a recognition of brokenness.  Likewise, we aren't doing Christ any favors by choosing His salvation.  The Calvinist approach seems to view this choice as some sort of virtuous sacrifice; a "good" act to take pride in, and therefore inconsistent with total depravity and grace.  But choosing to be saved is an odd place to find virtue.  I'll bet those in the lifeboats didn't take pride in deciding to climb aboard the Carpathia.  I'm sure the focus instead was in gratitude — glorying even — towards their saviors.

    I hope this doesn't sound contentious.  I've just found in my spiritual walk that 99 times out of 100, if the focus of the doctrine is on "me" instead of Christ, it's usually wrong.

  3. Why did Whitefield later abhor the theatre as well as ballrooms? I'm not sure what is meant by ballrooms when I hear him and others talk about it.

    do you think Christians now ought to abhor the theatre/ cinema today?

  4. I remember reading in Adam Clarke's autobiography that he and other Methodist circuit preachers preached five sermons on Sunday starting at five o'clock in the morning, until Wesley limited them to less to preserve stamina. Clearly the Lord gave him a special gift for his work.

  5. Finally modern Christianity is made mainly from the intellect of men more than from the teaching of the Holy Spirit but concerning the doctrine of God Sovereign Grace it's a true teaching of the bible and of the Holy Spirit.The true Gospel.

  6. Another great lesson from Dr. Gore! I am always inspired by the men upon whom God has poured out His spirit and the mighty acts He has worked through them. I read Arnold Dallimore's original 3 volumes on the 18th Century Revival when I was a young man. It moved me then; and no less now. The history of Reformed Christianity, its martyrs, and the lives of Tyndale, Calvin, Knox — and so many more — have been my study most of my life. I always marvel at what God can do with a mere man whenever He wills. Maybe He can use even me. I hope He has, in a small way. Never stop doing what you are doing, Mister Bruce, until you can't do it anymore. Many thanks!

  7. Grow-yer-own ear muffs. They go nicely with "the flat, pant-leg faux beard."

    George not appreciating that body slavery was intrinsically wrong calls his conversion into question; regardless of the "times."

  8. Thanks for another fine teaching on one of church history's greatest men. Bruce, you are a fine teacher yourself and as far as I can tell, your subjects are well researched. You are also doing a great service for many fellow Christians who need to know these storys. I fear I am becoming addicted to them. Truthfully, I am already addicted to another program on the internet youtube channel; "You Bet Your Life" with Groucho Marx. I watch them not only for the humor of Groucho Marx (or the DeSoto Plymouth commercials Ha-Ha), but for the interesting people, who for the most part, convey a sense of decency, respect, humility, and normalcy. There are some exceptions I admit, but in light of what passes for normalcy today in hairstyles, dress, and overt behavior, there's no comparison. With the tattoos, piercings, ripped jeans, skin-tight spandex, the return of the mini-skirt, bell-bottoms, and the bizarre hairstyles and colors, the human-race has become a satanic freak-show! But the Word of God has something to say about it. "Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil, who put darkness for light, and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter" (Isa.5:20,21). In short, woe to those who change normal to abnormal, and abnormal to normal. Unfortunately, it's gone beyond abnormal and has moved into the bizarre! The freak-show has got to stop at the church front door!!! Parsons Carlson

  9. All of your videos have been an educational blessing. I have been considering taking some night classes just to learn. But your videos are like taking a class. Thanks for all you do and have done.

  10. That is exactly so. If we do not believe in election then we were so good to choose God. But Jesus said, you did not choose Me, but I chose you. I do not have goodness within me, but hideous pride and sin deeply hidden from myself. Only the Lord can show to man the depth of God depravity.

  11. If you are baptised with the Holy Ghost you don't need to prepare to preach. Whitfield would have spoken directly from heaven in real time. Reading the Word and prayer is preparation

  12. If there is anyone who I want to be in all of history it would be George Whitfield
    I preach everyday but will never be like this man I preach in 260 cities but everytime I want to be like this man now I have car so I walk and hike or travel from city to city maybe someone might give me a car one day could be my greatest gift thank you Jesus God bless

  13. Every Christian knows that God is sovereign. Just as He is omnipotent. Please stop playing the game that Calvinist are the only ones who believe God is sovereign.
    Two more points. People do not reject Calvinism on emotional grounds; they reject it on Biblical grounds.
    Also just because someone is not a Calvinist does not mean they are Arminian. That’s the same game the Democrats play. Oh you’re not Democrat so you must be Republican.
    You pride yourself in saying that Presbyterians usually take the middle ground. Well you would do good to do the same here. The sinner is able to see his inability to save himself before he is regenerated just as the Bible says. And then he calls out to God to save him, just as the tax collector did.
    Luke 18:13
    “But the tax collector stood at a distance. He would not even look up to heaven, but beat his breast and said, ‘God, have mercy on me, a sinner.’
    The Bible always puts faith (belief) before regeneration.
    Hebrews 4:2
    For unto us was the gospel preached, as well as unto them: but the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it.

  14. There were people who came to Christ for healing, and there were people who Christ went to for their healing. The same can be said of salvation. For salvation is the greatest and most pressing healing we all need.
    Can a person who went to Christ to be healed make any claim that he had something to do with his healing. That’s absurd.


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