The Puritan movement culminated toward the beginning of the eighteenth century with the life and thought of the man universally …


  1. What an indescribably glorious testimony that Edwards submits unto the majestically regal nature of God Himself. This is the first time that I've seen these Edwards quotes and they have bent my heart in such a way as I felt at the birth of my salvation. My eyes are swelling and my heart has such a convulsion that it makes me quiver at the eloquence of the "Resolutions" that Edwards captures of the awe of Yahweh/Yeshua. My heart has actually grown callused from the defense of the constant barrage of atheist attacks all over the NET. They are to be pitied, and as such is the reason for the necessity of missions to the world. I have thoroughly enjoyed this series of narratives of the men that God has chosen in history to proclaim His Gospel. This is so wonderfully stated in Acts 18:9-10 when God said to Paul: 
       9 Now the Lord spoke to Paul in the night by a vision, “Do not be afraid, but speak, and do not keep silent;
       10 for I am with you, and no one will attack you to hurt you; FOR I HAVE MANY PEOPLE IN THIS CITY.  
            Edwards is still being heard in 2014 and beyond!

  2. It is so wonderful to learn this religious history.  When we study history in school, we focus primarily on political figures or warriors.  But often these religious scholars are far more influential though not well known.

  3. This guy is way too good at teaching it is just unspeakable.  I'm not sure if someone should be so good at teaching as this guy.  Bruce Gore if your reading this then to you i say this: You have a gift sir.  I have been studying the bible for about 15 years and I have taught it.  Currently going to school for a theology degree, But I would have to say that none other have i heard with such zeal for this history of the church.  You remind me of teaching from a Jay Gresham Machen type of style.  With great joy you have a God given gift.  Dont waste it but use it and please dont stop teaching this way. 

  4. Jeremiah 20:9
    But if I say, “I will not remember Him
    Or speak anymore in His name,”
    Then in my heart it becomes like a burning fire
    Shut up in my bones;
    And I am weary of holding it in,
    And I cannot endure it.

  5. Getting back into this series. I’ve been listening to John Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion on LibriVox lately. Thanks for suggesting it. It’s so long and in depth.

    It’s great to learn of Jonathan Edwards more now. My former Pastor taught a sermon on the sinners in the hands of an angry God sermon before.

  6. On the thumbnail to this site it goes from pre revolutionary America and intellectual giants ,then on the next thumbnail how the college students of today's America cannot tell the time from an annolg clock ,how things have improved!!!!!!!

  7. Your teaching is so profound. I respect you. Yet, I don't understand how so many details of Edwards can be discussed without the highly significant and controversial fact of his slave owning and being a proponent thereof.

  8. According to Calvinism you cannot reject Gods grace. It is irresistible. Besides how can a dead man reject anything, or respond in any way since he is dead.
    I really do not understand how Calvinist cannot see this contradiction.


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