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  1. Charity begins at home. With all due respect Pastor Arome Osayi, you need to focus and pray for Nigeria & Africa as whole. Ask the Lord to open your Spiritual Wisdom & Understanding for you to see how the Western World has Raped,Ravaged & Ransacked Africa to this day.

    They have vowed with their wickedness, not to allow Africa grow to reach it's potential. Creating unstable government, assassinating Leaders who want to do good for their country. Create Wars causing high unemployment.

    They've come with wicked IMF, World Bank Loans, Big Corporations coming in stealing Minerals Resources, pulling Puppet President strings, blindly signing form contracts.(Fraud in the Inducement).

    Most of you Pastors in Nigeria have been bought by the corrupt politicians behind closed doors. You should be ashamed of yourself not addressing Nigeria's problems, the youths are crying out. You need to face the leaders in Nigeria, face to face.

    You will only be blessed and respected when you solve your own problems in your backyard. Pray & address the sellout Puppet Presidents running a Banana Republic. Shame On You! I am not impressed about you coming and praying for Trump.

  2. What if the Trump you all are praying for turns out to be the Beast the Bible mentioned. When last did anyone host a 30 day prayer for NIGERIA 🇳🇬 not to mention AFRICA.
    I thought charity begins at home, how come is beginning ftom the outside this time….

  3. My dear Apostle, please don’t get too much into US politics. It is divisive and the last couple of years the church has suffered and been ineffective in the communities due to taking sides with one party or candidate. Pray for Trump and Kamala! Both have areas of grave concern and we can’t ignore it. “Chosen one” or not, God can’t force a leader to do the right thing, if he or she does not have the right motives

  4. So many bitter people😂. God knows what he is doing. If apostle is speaking in his own accord it will come to light, if he speaking as directed by God it will also come to light. May each one of us pray and ask for wisdom and discernment in everything. The days are evil, but God is in control and he cannot be manipulated by man but he will also use man to accomplish his purposes on the earth.

  5. Some people are just bitter. You can see that this is day 22nd of 31st prayer for trump, which means the prayers have been on going, Apostle was just called to minster. He was not the one who organised it.

  6. The day I had a vision when I saw Jesus the only thing that was clear that I heard was Donald Trump is going to win its few years back and he handed me a something like gold in my hands and he said Donald Trump is going to be president , when l saw this the whole vision came back to my mind how i saw Jesu and what he said.
    I was so confused asking my self how can Jesus tell me about Trump but just he can never lie everything that he says will come to pass .the vision was really.

  7. Only the carnal men will not understand what is happening. Anyway,time will reveal everything.

    Every country and nation of God under bondage will be delivered, its American time other country will follow soon and you all will still see this same energy focuse on that same country.

  8. Who is as blind as the Lord's servant? As deaf as HIS prophets?
    We think only on our purpose and plans rather than the current move of the kingdom. The result of this is what we see in nations like Nigeria.
    Thank you Apostle listening to the kingdom mandate to make a chance for the nation considering the big picture. I pray the people will see and do that they do not suffer the consequences. At least, that a remnant will be saved.

  9. He came to Kenya and enthroned President Ruto to be the next President even before elections. Against all odds he carried the day…. God is not a nigerian, he is not an African, He is not an American. He is God. His agenda over nations and the world must stand even if it means using a donkey to speak

  10. Guys actually watch and listen attentively before commenting. And speak plainly from insight.

    He didn't even mention Trump in his whole sermon. But I and a few others have already had revelations that Trump is the leeway God can bring redemption to the West.
    It wont be easy, but Trump is the entry for redemption.

    Ironically, the preacher's emphasis is on groaning.

  11. Majority of the individuals here speaking against Apostle I can guarantee were not part of the 91days fasting and Midnight Prayer intercession for Nigeria by RCN and Apostle Arome.
    You are criticising a man who has laboured not only for Nigeria but for many Africa nations including South Africa and Botswana.
    Why don’t you also labour ? If God has led into your heart to labour for a nation why don’t you start, you want someone else to do it.
    May curses not be upon you speaking about things you know nothing of…

  12. Please, there will be trolls and carnal Christians on this post. Using flesh, logic and philosophy and making a decision to take offense. Their spiritual eyes are closed. Don’t engage in debate. Engage in travailing. May the Lord Give you understanding.

  13. Thank you for obeying God Apostle as the Body of Christ stands shoulder to shoulder in the globe🌎 . We stand with you, I felt the pull to pray concerning this election cycle months ago. “The Lord our God is One”🙏🏽 Someone did a video saying that there are articles of those trying to hurt him 🧙saying that he is surrounded by prayer it’s really hard. Arise Oh God🙏🏽🫡

  14. If you people know Apostle Arome you won't be surprised, he held prayer meeting openly before Nigerians election, praying for the candidate he believes was God's chosen one, he prayed even when such candidate wasn't aware that intercession were going on for him, he also taught on why the manipulation of darkness succeeded. Let's stop all these hypocrisy and pray for what and whosever is your conviction, God has placed it in Apostle's spirit to praynfor Trump if you can't say AMEN, to the prayer instead of wasting your time nagging, you can do better by organizing your own prayer meeting for Kamala. God wont be confused as to whose prayer will be answered.


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