Three children and three adults were killed after a shooter opened fire at a private Christian grade school in Nashville, Tennessee …


  1. I’d say no more glass doors as that’s how she got in. She was a former student and she was 28 yo being under drs care for emotional issues. She bought 7 guns from 5 local gun stores.

  2. Construct border to schools like gated. Even in developing countries, our schools are gated. NO ONE CAN GET IN WITHOUT GOING THROUGH SECURITY CHECK. If the school is big they could have more than 4 gates with security guards. As I can see the schools here are open, no border walls, so it is easy for these criminals to do it. SCHOOLS MUST BE A SAFE PLACE FOR EVERYONE. If this can't be afford, then have police outside so they know their presence are there. In this case, they know it is the easiest place to this kind of crime. This is truly heartbreaking. My condolences to the family and prayers for the victim.πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  3. As long as there are Republicans who put free money from Lobbyists who represent Gun manufacturers far above children's lives, there will never be any significant changes in the Gun laws. In other words, prepare for many more mass shootings.

  4. As long as we encouarge mental illness to being normal and allowing the insane, indecent and uncivil to walk among society it is only gonna get worse. It is allowed and we are commanded to tolerate the digenerates. Only the wicked would preach to tolerate and accept the wicked. Our society is quickly becoming worse than that of ancient Babylon. The law ties our hands to defend ourselves from such evil while being lenient on the mentaly deranged and the criminal tells you alot about those who rule and those who follow with glee and support….

  5. The bottom of the problem is not the arms buy but I say again we ve to see the real causes which you can find in the mentality of this country it s a mentality of violence that you breathe at the street,the publicity of the movies always with a great violence,so too the genre of games,etc and we see there is not any really ethical education programs in the schools the people only are interesting only in technological education so how you can stop this situation I think never if you don't investigate the new Christians ethical programs for all the us schools only attacking the causes the next generations can change their criminal instinct and respect the others ones like JESUS desir for every body

  6. The police were lucky they had an amateur shooter. As you shouldn't announce your entering each room you want to sneak up on the shooter not tell him you're coming.. Amateurs on both sides… They shot him because he's an incompetent that's all… And where's your body shield my god it's the blind leading the blind here…

  7. New York school don’t play once you walk in the building their two or more security guards sign in book and ID swiping machine than their the second door a double door where they at least 6-8 security guard with scanner two metal detectors a lot of our class room door are made from heavy metal or heavy wood with them big security door lock that goes across the door RIP to those that lost their lives

  8. There are many ways for human beings to behave, violence being one of them, children being easy victims to stop. Violence is impossible to eliminate and should be accepted with equanimity.

  9. If gay/trans poeple use meth why wont they release his toxicology report, when can we see the manifesto? That creep killed children, thats not ok. Calling him a woman is not ok. He died being a peice of crap.stop protecting him n think of the families. Enough is enough

  10. The sad part, it ALL boils down to mental health smh if the government would give free medication things would b better but nooo let's give the junkies free narcan tho πŸ˜‘πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™€οΈ WTF?ΒΏ

  11. Church leadership should be held both criminally & financially accountable for gun violence as deleting Deuteronomy 13:1 from scripture & moving Deuteronomy 13:1 to end of Deuteronomy 12 as an unauthorized add on at end of chapter in the hopes no one will be able to see it shows unbelievably extreme, irresponsible & irrational arrogance to the extent church leadership thinks it is God and somehow has permission to add or delete scripture they think is unacceptable. The church has altered or deleted or added over 10,000 lines to scripture over the last 500 years. Unauthorized changes to scripture brings on the extreme curse of gun violence as change to scripture invites total anarchy & extreme gun violence.


  12. Pope John Paul was shot and he was surrounded by security. President Reagan as well. It’s very difficult to figure out how to identify a potential shooter. I strongly believe that teaching values, empathy, respect towards others and specially helping kids to have a high self esteem is imperative. Bullying needs to be addressed as well. Good parenting much needed

  13. Every shooting this year was done by a trans identifying individual. Kringe jean pierre issues apology to trans community but not victims and there families.

  14. we all know now that the female shooter that killed 6 ppl who the officers killed was white caucasian female this was thawed out planned smh Мy condolences to families of the victims i cant believe im waking up to see this and it happen days ago i dont watch tv this hurts alot

  15. The Fed will acknowledge that they were late to the game, that inflation has been more persistent than they were expecting. So they probably should have tightened sooner, Some analysts believe that the larger banks are resilient and are more worried about the smaller and mid-sized banks. Well, I'm still at a crossroads deciding if to liquidate my $138k stock portfolio, what’s the best way to take advantage of this bear market?


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