In this short, I pose 3 sincere questions to atheists. If you’re an atheist, leave a comment below with your answers!


  1. This kind of feels a bit like a gotcha list of questions but that's most likely my cynicism shinning through.

    1. Everything isn't black or white. A person doesn't have to either believe in god (I'm guessing you're talking about christianity) or not believe in god. You can also simply admit that you don't know. Which none of us do "truly know". When it comes to these kind of topics (god, no god, correct god, afterlife, and so on), every single person's belief (on both side) is faith based. You can't prove why you believe what you believe but you still believe it. That's what faith is.

    2. I guess, yes. I do feel more confident in the validity of something the more evidence I'm presented with that corroborates it. That's what science is. The never ending search for "truth". Mankind should always search for evidence/answers and do so without concern that commonly held beliefs may be disproven. That's what put us at the top of the food chain (whether or not that was a good thing is a different topic altogether). Ultimately, i believe "truth" is one of the rarest things mankind ever tried to describe with words. In many situations, it simply doesn't and/or can't exist. But we sure do love saying it.

    3. I don't really know how to answer that question and I'm completely fine with that. It's no more my job to disprove your beliefs than it is your job to disprove mine. Especially considering this subject can not be proven on either side of the aisle. I believe what i believe for the same reason you believe what you believe: Conviction. A person can't simply wake up and immediately change a deeply held belief like this. I was raised in a good home by wonderful christian parents. I considered myself…actually I'd say i masqueraded as a christian until around 23. There's no one reason why I don't/didn't believe it. Looking back on it, I began second guessing the concept of religion in general (not just christianity) at a young age. Like 10, maybe. But i kept it to myself until 23 when i finally decided that it's disrespectful to myself, the religion, and those who truly believe in that religion, to go through life lying to everyone about how I believe what they do and worship the same god they do. I held different beliefs/opinions. And i hold those beliefs/opinions with as much conviction as anyone else holds their beliefs…."Belief" is a weird thing if you really take the time to think about it. Personally, though, i prefer to have things that i believe while always searching for a reason to change them.
    I definitely have a bunch of views on how humans should interact with one another that are 100% from the Bible. There is, no doubt, great advice in there and i read it and listened to people talk about it.

    Hope you enjoy reading this, if you even do read it haha, as much as i enjoyed sharing it. Stay safe out in the world and always remember that humility leads to love, love leads to grace, and grace leads to peace.

  2. 1) Yes
    2) Yes
    3) That many of the falsifiable claims of the Bible are demonstrated to be false. Also, that the Christian God is described with logically contradictory attributes. Anything defined with properties that contradict themselves cannot exist.

  3. 1. yes. I can’t make myself believe in a magical man in the sky
    2. yeah. I like to believe provable things.
    3. An adult version of santa claus is just asinine, but i can’t possibly disprove the existence of god. nor can you prove the existence of god. the thing is, my view, to me, has much more evidence.

  4. Atheist: Yes. I don't believe that you showed up at my house at 8pm, and Yes, I believe in evidentialism.
    The evidence for my belief is that you weren't bodily present and the continuous camera footage shows this as well. Believer's answer: But I WAS there. Atheist: Then the burden of proof is now upon you to show it, not me.

  5. For 3: literally everything can be explained by science, so there’s our proof that a god doesn’t exist.

    Secondly what about all the time you needed god and he wasn’t there for you… seems more likely that this god probably doesn’t exist…

  6. You cannot prove something nonexistent not existing, but we can say there's no evidence can prove god exist. If you claim god exists, show your evidence and let people verify it.

  7. Atheist here.
    1. Yes.
    2. Yes.
    3. It's called formal logic. In formal logic anything is false by default and something only becomes true if there is evidence to support it. For example I don't believe in unicorns because there is no evidence to support their existence. I believe in snow, because there is evidence to support snows existence. Until there is evidence for God, there is no reason to believe such an entity exists anymore there is a reason millions of kilometers wide banana exists somewhere out there. As you can see and calculate, or I presume you can, there are more things in this universe which are false than there are things that are true and this is due to the laws of formal logic.

  8. 1. I think god doesn't exist because belief is thinking, not knowing
    2. Mostly
    3. The same as yours that he does, because the only correct answer is that Maybe he exists just as much as Maybe he doesn't exist

  9. 1. That depends a great deal on what the word "God" means in that question. The word is incredibly difficult to define, and even among believers there are wide disagreements about the nature and meaning of God.

    2. No, I'm not an evidentialist. I'm a skeptic.

    3. Because of the above, I can determine that you likely aren't asking genuine and sincere questions. I'm not making a claim God exists. You are. I find the various epistemological arguments for God unconvincing.

  10. 1: I do not believe that God exists, which is different from believing that God does not exist.

    2: For the most part, I would agree with this, however the amount of evidence is not the only important factor. The significance of the claim is also important to the amount of evidence required. If someone says, "I got a dog," I'll take their word for it because that is a very mundane claim. If someone says we live in the matrix and reality is an illusion, I would need some very strong evidence to convince me of that.

    3: It depends on which god you're talking about. For example, the Christian god has many conflicting properties, such as knowing everything and being all loving, yet still taking actions that cause unnecessary harm (such as in Numbers 31, where instead of doing something like moving the Midianites to the middle of nowhere and take away their ability to reproduce, god commands Israel to take revenge, which would likely cause a lot of unnecessary pain). For other concepts of gods, I don't strictly disbelieve in them, for example a god that made the universe and then stops interfering in the universe, or the Eldritch Being Azathoth, to whom all of reality is just a dream (though I have no reason to believe in them either).

  11. 1. If you are talking about a perfect moral entity who is also omnipotent then that concept does not match reality and is also paradoxical.

    2. Yes

    3. My first answer answers this question

  12. I dont believe that God does not exist but I do not believe that God does exist either… you can't prove something doesn't exist.
    But I would flip the script and ask you your second and third question.

    Do you believe in evidentialism. Do you believe in anything without evidence? Is your belief proportionate to the evidence for said belief?

    If you answered yes, what is your evidence that God does exist? Not some logical fallacy statements like since things are complex there must be a creator. The supernatural is not proven just because we don't understand something.

  13. Ok im not a hater and i respect relogion but heres my explanation why god doesnt exist.1 people say that god created the world in 7 days but what about dinosaurs in reality they lived for millions of years but i. The bible they would have only lived in like 1 day so thats why.

  14. You didn't have to lie and say you're being sincere but whatever
    1. Atheism literally means "no belief in God" which is slightly different to "belief that God does not exist". But I would say as an atheist that I don't think God exists.
    2. Yes of course. We need evidence to believe things.
    3. Where's your evidence for God? For an atheist, the Bible/Tanakh/Quran/Sutras/whatever else is not a reliable source. We need corroborating evidence to prove these. It's just that for us believing that there is no God or higher power has better explanatory power than believing in one.

  15. 1. Yes, I think the concept of God is a bit silly

    2. Yes.

    3. I've read alot of past-life regression therapy books (+ hypnotherapy), and out of ALL of the ones that I have read NONE of them state that there is a god, its just you, yourself, and you.

  16. Using the word "believe" in relation to atheism is absurd. That word has no bearing in evidence or science.
    I am an atheist and I do not "believe" anything about God or gods. I went looking for evidence. I found none. I found a MOUNTAIN of evidence that humans lie. Therefore, the Christian god does not exist, just like all the thousands of other gods didn't.
    The second question made me laugh out loud! What use is faith if you have evidence? What use is evidence if you have faith?
    You sound like a freshman philosophy major.

  17. I have one answer for the 3 questions: I believe the concept of God as described in the holly books is a concept constructed by humans. I do not even t to question if god does not exists or exists, it’s just that all the info in those holly books doesn’t add up. That I don’t have the answer of the why of the universe does not make yours or the one in some weird book the right one. I just don’t think the info in those holly books adds up at all plus the morality is more than questionable. I have a question for you: would you follow God if you didn’t believe you might go to heaven? Or all your actions are calculated just in the hope of a reward?
    Religion itself is based on belief without proof, guess why? Because it’s a lie? If it could be proven, why make up all this game that you will be rewarded just to believe with no proof. It’s all based on that because it has no other thing to be based on! Duh! I don’t by BS that’s why I’m an atheist!

  18. 1. Yes
    2. No, while I believe evidence is a good way to justify belief, it’s not the only way I justify my beliefs.
    3. I don’t have evidence a god doesn’t exist.

  19. 1: First, define "god" so I know what you are asking. Assuming you mean the Christian god who was incarnate in Jesus and only Jesus, I don't think that particular god exists.

    2: Yes, I want evidence for things.

    3: Where's the evidence that this Christian god exists? I'll believe he exists when there's evidence. It's not my job to disprove your wild claims.

    Your questions seem foolish to me.


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