‘Titan’ by Scott Buckley – released under CC-BY 4.0. www.scottbuckley.com.au.


  1. Passion of Christ was so very painful too me, I cried, and cried, I love him and I hate the way they us his name in vain and in a evil way in Movies, I pray all who use his name as a curse word and in a evil way, remember we have one life and then the judgment. Life is short, death is sure. I pray they repent now, most want until they are dieing, then they want to call the priest to pray for them. I say why wait.❤

  2. Crufiction in the Roman era was the cruelly way of torture, sometimes it takes a day to die sometimes a week
    Our lord Jesus Christ endured the cross for my sins and the sins of the world,to defeat satan to defeat death caused by satan , to reconcile man with God and to give us the gift of salvation.


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