2023 Collection Top Ten John G Lake and Smith Wigglesworth 6.5 hours (4K)

These are the most watched Rev. Elation videos of 2023! Thanks to all the subscribers and channel members for being a part of …


  1. 00:00:04 – #10 Don't Be Afraid, Only Believe – Smith Wigglesworth
    00:18:18 – #9 Christ in Us ~ Smith Wigglesworth
    00:54:26 – #8 Faith is the Victory – Smith Wigglesworth
    01:18:22 – #7 Advance in the Spirit – Smith Wigglesworth
    02:00:03 – #6 Clothed by the Spirit – Smith Wigglesworth
    02:27:25 – #5 YOU can Know God's Power – John G. Lake
    02:51:19 – #4 Act in the Power – Smith Wigglesworth
    03:47:55 – #2 Flames of Fire – Smith Wigglesworth
    04:07:19 – #1 The Power of God in You – John G. Lake
    04:49:25 – #3 The Baptism of the Holy Spirit – John G Lake

  2. SO grateful for you Rev! Truly wonderful that you put these up. Just was attacked by the enemy with sickness and I put John G. Lake collection for 12 hours through the night. Dozed in and out but I was listening and there's nothing like listening to the words of this amazing man of God . I'm so much better and another dose of Wigglesworth tonight and I'm good to go. Praise God! Thank you again! 🙌🙌🙌♥♥♥🙌🙌🙌


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