In this video, Lou Engle shares a Prophetic Word for the Church in 2022 and prays for the Frank Bartleman mantle to come on this …


  1. Keep on keeping on! The LORD is walking with us and the GREAT revival is on!!!
    By His Power, His Love, and His Way of life. We let Him demonstrate, through us, what He can do!
    Praise to the King of Glory!!! 🙏❤🙏

  2. Your such an Honorable man, Lou , I'm so honored to listen to your powerful words, that touches depths of my heart that have no source for words….how how GREAT n wonderful it is to stand for LIFE N THE BREATH OF ALL THat is, oh how great the reward will be for u n those who have a heart to stand for life n standing on the word/heArt of God. So so good!!

  3. Precious Lord Jesus, Let love rain, like sweet mercy from heaven. Let mercy flow like waves and waves flowing richly from the heart of God. May love arise … may mercy come forth … may love and mercy bring forth hearts of compassion. Compassion for the lost, compassion for the thirsty, compassion for the hungry, compassion for the poor, compassion for the homeless, compassion for others. Not in just words or deeds done, but from the depths of the heart seeking to give Glory to God through open arms embracing the needs of others. May we look with the heart of God. May we see with his eyes or mercy and compassion and may we do all things to His Glory. For the river of God is love, may it flow richly through us. For the river of God is sweet mercy, may it flow richly through us. For the river of God is compassion, may they see it in our eyes, hear it from our hearts and see it through open arms embracing the needs of others. May we place others even before ourselves and love more like Jesus did. For the harvest is plentiful …

  4. Amen!! Do it again God🔥
    I live in South Korea
    and know there's something between America, Israel and South Korea.
    God's moving so wild.
    Here's your Bethlehem, Lord!
    Here's your David Lord!
    God's moving so wild especially this year of 2022; 100th anniversary of William Seymour's passing.
    Revival in America, South Korea, Israel and nations!
    God, tremble the nations🔥

  5. from islamic Pakistan 🇵🇰.
    Might be the farthest one, but glad to be part of body of Christ, desperately needing involvement of Spirit for our small numbered victorious church.

  6. On September 28, 1922, Seymour suffered two heart attacks and died in his wife's arms. He was buried in Evergreen Cemetery in East Los Angeles, near influential Pentecostal preacher Francisco Olazábal.

    High praise gathering at Evergreen Cemetery Wed 9/28/22?

  7. Yes! Yes! Yes! The Lord gave me a vision last year of a big bright neon NFL sign blinking and going out and when it reappeared lit up it said GOD. He showed me amazing sights of revival to come. The result will be His light shining thru us like nothing the earth has ever seen before. And nothing will be able to hide in the dark anymore. Hallelujah

  8. Same guy that kissed the Catholics feet at that one event..Has he repented of his bowing down to Rome and his false teachings? How bout this dream? Emotionally centered and for years they been hyping people for revival which is nothing more than revival conferences of known false teachers, false apostles and false prophets. All part of different apostolic networks but all drink from broken cistern that cannot hold water. All in agreement to take over the seven mountains or 7 spheres of influence through the 7 mountain mandate. False

  9. You rock because of a kundalini spirit you've had all these years ! You heard another jesus, another spirit….Jesus hasn't put you infront of the wailing wall, i can assure you. How can this rocking do any good for Israel??? Don't you understand?? So you mean God gave you something but didn't bother to tell you what it was for a l l these years??? It's not the real Jesus!!! But you're listening to decieving spirits, and now You don't have a sound mind anylonger because of another gospel.

  10. My heart is so blessed by all these beautiful comments! Look at you – beautiful Body of Christ. The Spirit and the Bride say come! Be it unto us according to your word Lord! Let’s fill those incense bowls!

  11. Like a month after this, the University of Georgia won a National Championship with a walk-on quarterback that was too small. He was from Blackshear Ga which is a tiny, humble farm town.

    “Look for the too small”

  12. 7:08 I live in chesterfield, SC. We are called the heart of the Carolinas. Our county held the first meeting to secede from the union which ultimately let SC ,as a whole, be the first state to leave the union which in turn was a spark that help start the civil war. The churches in my county have come together to pray Believing that if in the flesh, the heart of the Carolinas could divide a nation, that in the power of the spirit, we can unite a nation! God has something special for the Carolinas!

  13. 5 years ago God started showing me meetings in stadiums where people just have to show up and all will be healed. I saw a person standing on the stage in these meetings and this person would begin singing in tongues for about 30 minutes and the miracles would start until all were healed. God said there would be 3 meetings a year for 3 years in 9 specific cities all over the United States that would start at the beginning of 2023. In each city the power and tangible presence of God would spread as if a contagion that no plagues infectiousness can be compared. The cloud of glory would move into the cities and occupy public and private places where God knew his prodigal children would be safe while he would begin his work on the lost and hurting souls. The people would be drawn to these clouds of glory and they would be overcome by his power and "glued" to the floor until they were healed in about 10 mins. Then they could get up filled with so much joy they would run to the closest person and testify and then that person was on the floor being healed. If security or city authorities tried to remove these people from these locations occupied by God they too would join those on the floor for their healing. More and more people would be drawn into these glory holes and the "contagion" of God would spread all the more changing hearts, bodies, families, businesses, governments, states and eventually the nation. But at the same time the godly contagion would also break out in other nations and in the battles fields between nations and love would win and all would go home loving their neighbors. And so this will return the earth to the garden of eden holding heaven on earth forevermore.
    I sobbed as this was revealed to me.


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