#2 – Why Don’t I Feel God’s Presence?

Why don't I feel God sometimes? Why do I feel Him on one occasion and not another? What should I expect to experience in communion with the Lord? In this episode Eric Gilmour and Daniel Kolenda discuss these critical questions about feeling God's presence.

Originally posted 2020-12-30 15:08:51. Republished by Blog Post Promoter


  1. This is one of the most critical things I’ve learned in my walk with God.The presence of God is not felt – it is known.
    We can only identify what we are familiar with.
    God is everywhere, but we cannot “feel” Him if we do not “know” His presence internally.

  2. I’m hoping for a miracle now… After years of extreme depression and anxiety I had a break down, a traumatic life event which I survived by just numbing myself completely.. Now I can’t feel anything, rejoice about nothing.. Anhedonia it is called.. And since I lost my connection with God that brought me solace.. Hope God restores me, no matter how broken I was.. Preferable to this..

    • I have been where you are. In the beginning I had the assurance that my times are in His hands. A few years later, I felt such a failure that I put my Bible away. I apologized to God saying, I’m done. But I will tell anyone who asks about spiritual things that Jesus is the answer. I won’t deny that. 3 months later, out of the blue, He just spoke to me, touched my cheek and totally, absolutely healed me, freed me etc. It was so real, my husband came home after working away for weeks and he didn’t recognise me in our own house. He didn’t even recognise my personality and energy and was startled a few times. I was full of peace and confidence. After I was healed I spent 3 days asking Him questions and He answered me. I often say…peace is a person. Salvation is a person. Etc. All of heaven’s love and blessings to you.

  3. So what happens we don’t feel God/Jesus on the inside. Not a feeling from something physical but what you spoke of internally. I never feel joy or peace. I don’t feel anything

    • Might I suggest Reflecting on what God has Already Done for us in His Salvation and His EXCHANGE of Righteousness which IS Life – Also check out teaching on Your Identity IN Christ and REST Upon God’s Faithfulness to Live His Resurrected Life In You.

    • Wow, I too, struggle with “Not” feeling God’s presence. Its so frustrating to me!! I hear others talk about God’s presence, etc. I feel NOTHING!! I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong. What am I suppose to do? It seems I’m not the only one who struggles with this.

    • I believe the Spirit teaches us to believe His word first by Faith. By faith we know that God’s promises are trustworthy. When we begin to trust Him it brings peace and joy. If we keep hoping for a feeling we totally miss out on God’s presence. He is always with us as He promised. Sometimes we get a beautiful feeling or waves sometimes we feel nothing. Sometimes we even struggle with negative emotions but God does not change. He is still loving and doting and forgiving and guiding us by His Holy Spirit.
      Rest on His promises, on Him. That’s what brings the peace and joy.
      Also when we enter into a season of prayer….it intensifies our spiritual focus allowing us to pick up the presence of the Lord that has been with us the whole time. God is always with us. All we need to do is actually believe that He is.

      God bless you family!

  4. The key to this whole thing is that you can’t give up. Keep pursuing, keep pushing. Pray for His peace and rest. In His Presence there is fullness of of joy. It’s also about faith, you got to believe and know that He(God) is with you. So many people want proof, but your proof is that He woke you up this morning and you was cloth and in your right mind. As a deer pants for water, so my soul long for my Lord. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not into your own understanding. Just because you can’t feel Him does not mean He is not there. He was there all the time.

    • R.x0 I know you haven’t been here for a lot of time but can you please explain me a little better. Not sure if I trully understood.

  5. Oh Lord I used to have such peace and love live in God’s promise, I feel like unworthy or like I’m not accepted in his presence IDK what’s wrong

    • Keren Avila none are worthy of Jesus’ Sacrifice. Not one. Jesus was sent by God anyways because God Loves us too much. (Notice the capital L) Hard seasons, no matter how long they may last, can seem as though you are in a rut. Hold fast, for Jesus is watching you just waiting for you. God doesn’t want you to feel as though you’re being ignored. Stay True. Know Jesus is Lord. Let God be God and He will take care of everything.

  6. I’m depressed but I can’t tell if God is answering or hearing my prayers. I don’t feel joy. 😓 can you guys prey for me that I may feel happiness. And don’t tell me to go get drugs or something because people can end up more depressed. God is the o ly way to true happiness. One he answers. Also ask him to make it clear to me. Thank you, God bless you.

    • To God be the glory for you. You feel depression so deep in your heart, but you still know where life is. You know where hope is. Have the faith. Even when I don’t see it… or feel it… which hurts… I’ll praise you

    • Obviously this was quite a while ago now, since you felt depressed. The Reply is entitled to his/her opinion of course.
      In Ecclesiastes there is a time and a season for every human state, and experience. God wont, I don’t think, give us happiness all the time. Even speaking from a psycho-emotional point of view, our bodies will at times be a depressed ‘ system’/ Have you read some of the psalms? Or thought about various people in the bible, experiencing difficult, painful times?
      When I cant tell or am not sure that God is listening to my prayers, I play lots of you tube videos about Gods love for Mankind, psalms and healing scriptures. And am reminded of Gods ways, His presence throughout recorded history, but faith is not, disappointing as that is, a feeling. If you love God genuinely, and your life reflects that, though we are flawed, believe He is with you in your dark times. But even His own son felt that his Father had forsaken him when Jesus needed Him most. God Bless

  7. im seeking advice from any christian who has wisdom to share. i love the lord, i love god and i want to do right by him, but when i pray it seems like i dont feel what im supposed to be feeling, i try to cry out to him with my heart but i dont seem to understand what im doing wrong, i read the bible and i enjoy learning more about it, i just want to feel him in my heart and feel like hes not disappointed with me, i feel lost

    • I realized something… we feel God in our hearts as we are younger Christians, but then God takes a step back to encourage us to seek forward with greater conviction. We fall into a trap of waiting for a feeling to praise, waiting for a feeling to share the Gospel, waiting for a feeling to have faith instead of fear… and so He weans is off requiring to feel something in our hearts so that we can truly start walking in the spirit. No God has not abandoned you. No He is not far from you. He is still within you. You just can’t “feel” Him in your “heart”. But know this. The Lord is always with you. Always.

    • His Child same here but he’s shining through me right now and I’m excited he’s coming to you and he’s shining through me right now

  8. Im really trying here but this is so vague to me. How do u know when hes there? Just assume? If u cant feel him or see how else r u supposed to know?

    • Hello can everybody here pray fir me on my journey to seek god? I will thank all that do with a prayer of mine. Inform me that you have prayed for me and my gift will be a pray in return.

    • @Amber Leyahjust say a prayer. It’s in your weakness the devil tries to take a hold of your soul. Its during your storm you should praise God. That’s when the seas will calm. May God’s grace and mercies be yours. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen

  9. I’ve never felt God. I hear people talking about feeling God all the time. Don’t have the feelings the green shirt guy explains either. Done everything he has said and the church and parents taught me.

    There’s no response that can explain this. I’ve worshipped for too long with no joy or peace. Life has been hell and hard for 50 years. I wish I could exclaim the “joy of the Lord”

  10. So true, when i decided to surrender every aspect of my life to Jesus i now feel,joy,peace,hope……..when i worship him i feel chills running thru my body or i feel an overwhelm sense of love :)))

    • Good! Your description of your feelings indicates to me that you are truly being consciously aware of GOD’s presence, a presence which is in all of us, but so very few realize GOD’s presence. Your heartbeat is a tangible manifestation of GOD inside of you, keeping you alive.

    • classyt20f7 if you are in christ nothing will seperate you from his love forever. He loves you unconditionally. Just know that he chose you and he loves you seek him and his presence tell him how much you love him meditate on his love 24/7 he will pour himself on you and you will feel peace love and joy 🙂

    • BARBARY LION yes Jesus forgives those that realize how much He loves them. Those that see His bloody sacrifice for them see that they can be forgiven and set free from the power of sin and death. All you have to do is believe in Jesus and confess that you have sinned against Him. Tell Him you accept and thank Him for His Sacrifice for you at the cross. Believe and tell Jesus He is Lord, rose on the third day and sits on God’s right hand. Ask Him into your life and heart. He’s waiting for you

    • His Words In Red yes sin will seperate us i have noticed this when i walk in the spirit i have peace when i live worldy i feel tired grumpy angry depressed anxious..what happens is sin opens doors to demons and thus we are tormented

  11. Internal vs external feelings. Pray for me Mr Eric and others; I can’t seem to come back to God. It’s miserably since I fornicated and just feel empty, with a void but I can’t seem to wake up


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