Today we will take a look at Christian Hillman’s Case, a teen who thinks his heinous deeds will go unpunished. Subscribe for …


  1. these kids talk like 10 year olds….also thinks like 10 year olds…..incredible…no respect at all…his parents did a terrible job… lives with mom and no dad in the picture
    get my attorney…. he thinks one is waiting outside….

  2. Man, it’s really crazy to think that being in that room were his final moments of being somewhat “free.” I wonder how he would have behaved if he was sober.

    I can only imagine what his day to day life is like. All his “friends” and family just have to move on without him.

  3. How to talk your way in to prison 101 dudes a fucking idiot 🤡 shut ur fucking mouth and get a lawyer guilty or innocent never talk to these cops there not your friend he probably could’ve argued in court self defense not after that conversation 🤷🤦‍♂️🤡🤣

  4. Yeah, use your phone on speaker in an interrogation room LOL – the stuck up person who never gave privacy to anyone so it just never came to his mind that phones can be used other way 🙂

  5. Dang dawg nigga bro.. Wonder if he has learned an ounce of respect yet !! Ima Mom and woudve slapped him into last wk for talking to the officers like that !

  6. Imagine being the mom, just trying to be supportive to her son, not sure of how to navigate this situation- is misrepresented in such a way for YouTube views. You are lacking clarity in your interpretations of these cases.

  7. Oof, benzodiazepines can have in rare cases so called paradoxical reactions. Usually they calm one down and and make one drowsy. Especially in abuse cases they can make a person disinhibited and agitated. Two bars of Xanax is quite a lot taken together, but the active ingredient alprazolam in usually pretty benign. It can be addictive for its extremely fast onset but getting it prescribed is going to be for short term only. That of course leaves out the illegal markets, and there one can get Xanax or fake Xanax with who knows what in it.

  8. Got to love how he was asking to use the ankle cuffs at first for fun, “a new experience”, as he put it yet when they went on for real he cries to his parents about it. He really thought he knew it all when it came to the legal system and that’s just not so obviously.


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