10 Things I Like About William Seymour (Azusa Street Revival Biography)

10 Things I Like about Bishop William Seymour In today’s video I am going to be talking about 10 things that you should like about …


  1. What a man with such a great quality. A man of great influence and trust in God. This is good. I want to thank you Virtual Church for the honour you have put on this great man's memory. You have done something that heaven rejoices over. God richly bless you

  2. You are right, that great Christian men and women are under appreciated, so thank you for this series. Iā€™ve learned so much about him that I didnā€™t know. Today we enjoy a lot of things and have no idea about those who laid those foundations.
    #7 hit me hard ā€œHe believed in the word of God more than he believed in his own negative experiencesā€ šŸ”„šŸ”„Yes that is faith! We point people to God and not to ourselves. We believe what God can do in the lives of others even if He hasnā€™t done it yet in our lives yet.

  3. I would really love to be able to hear more about this but I found myself strained trying to hear over the music what it was like they're competing in future reference music should just enhance what the speaker is saying.


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