10 Questions for Discerning the Right Life Partner (For Kingdom Netizens) | Dr. Myles Munroe Welcome to The Self Discovery, …


  1. Beautiful massage but i got disturbed by the 2 ladies holding hands looking each other looks intimate and it against Dr Munroe's believe please readit this coz it gonna confuse many especially those that listen to Dr teaching and look up to him.. you bringing great judgement upon yourselves as well coz this massage is centred around Christ but potraying something else trust me you will be judge for this.. please repent for this is wrong🙏saying this with love♥️

  2. I agree two women holding hands and being intimate with each other is not God’s word nor was that ever anything that Dr. Miles Monroe talked about. The person who is doing these AI videos to be ashamed of themselves to try to make Dr. Miles Monroe’s teachings blending with the world teachings. May God have mercy on you

  3. Those responsible for putting Dr Myles Munroe's biblical teaching to a video that promotes homosexual couples goes against God, the Bible, and Dr. Munroe's teachings and beliefs. To those watching this video, be mindful of all content that is put out there. This video perverts the message.

  4. If you don’t know who Dr Myles Munro is…DO NOT TAKE ANYTHING from this video as legit.

    Why Dr Munroe sounding like Australian Irish and Bajan. 😅Y’all need to stop. Dr Myles Munroe has his own page and website where his accurate teachings can be attained.

  5. Why do people keep blaming me about self control because sin came through the woman? I don't like that it's unfair. I know who my god ordained husband is but I was never intending to make him be tempted or lust. He already had a lady staying with him so what make him different. I just need him to understand that I'm not interested in him being concerned about that.

  6. I just wanted to be committed but how can he see that if he can't stop having sex and going with different women. I never rejected him but it's just his other girlfriend's like plenty of intercourse too aside from him. He like threeway's and polygamy. I know he not right I tried to help him understand some thing's. The lord sent me my husband and him me.


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