Today I’m going to be telling you guys about 10 free Christian resources you can use! These are my all-time favorites that I turn to …


  1. you should try the ensuring word app. it’s a free bible commentary over the whole bible. i’m not sure which version it’s in but it goes verse by verse and explains the bible. it helps to get extra context on whatever you are reading 🙂

  2. The Message is not a translation! It is far away from a translation. It is a big commentary. Please be careful the versions l recommend highly are ESV (the main one l use), KJV or NKJV, or CSB. I am Just sharing for protection of my fellow brothers and sisters as Christ as l am in called in Matt 18:15, and the Whole Bible.

  3. Also. Steven Furtick is a heretic. He is preaching the Prosperity Gospel which is false. It is basically the pick and choose build a bear Jesus which is not Biblical. PLEASE WATCH THE AMERICAN GOSPEL DOCUMENTARIES! It helped me so much to understand this false “gospel”. Please consider it and make sure that what you believe or listen to aligns with Gods Word. I again am just trying to help my fellow Brother and Sisters in Christ as l am called to by God in His Word. I hope that l am not being disrespectful or rude in any way just being watchful. 🙂

  4. I was a Hindu but Jesus saved me! I had a few Christian friends but they are not interested in God or getting closer to Him. Thanks for recommending these apps , also do u know any apps where u can make Christian frnds? It'd be really helpful to find likeminded people

  5. because im just a commentor, hopefully utoobe wont harm this, its honesty, for our soul's sakes as Jesus, and his father our God and the Holy Spirit needs us to help each other as well. .. im trying to lol stray from glueggle … im looking for android DAILY PRACTICAL BASICS OF PHONE'S , MESSAGE, GALLERY, TEXT SMS AND MMS AND FILE DOWNLOAD FILE OPENERS ETC SO MANY IFFY APP STORES AND SITES FULL OF WRONG .. MUST FIND OR TOGETHER PRODUCE apps that are not goofle or the eden's apple of secularity… don't we have any Christians producing applications on a decent ap store instead of the harsh sacrificing ones … ufoolbe wont like this but there is … godtube .. yup.. it NEEDS MORE posted movies of Decent Comfort and Comedy ! come on people, go over there and contribute your stash somehow of decent fun .. and please any other platforms as well, we must break smothering by greed. utooberz need to very much /there are platforms needing these decent people in many more places than here on ufoolbe. … sorry to be strange sounding but it is not wise how huge big tech is , we cannot even read without electricity , we cannot even friendship without being plugged in within days = you know that !!!! this is my first time on ufoolbe in couple weeks, it can be broken this spell. ! kick satan out as God did! , we only feed the same evil people also on these secular platforms they are not NOT witnessed to until they know because of peer pressure codependency they are addicted to That they feel abandoned as people go towards Decency /BREAK from thiese Huge Greeds . Im a past Dj who grew up a Decent Christian and FELL and Tell YOU to Move to GOOD Going Onwards! Blessings Always Await if You Stay with God/our Good Father and his Son Jesus gifts and Your Soul Guided Blessed knowing the Holy Spirit! I have known and respected at least acknowledged how people respect their various religions from Buddah to Hindu to many protestant and new age and Nature ..which brings you Back to God regardless ALWAYS HOME is GOOD/GOD!!! Lets GO ONWARD TO GOOD !!! Bible Verses COMFORT use them THEY MEAN MORE ALL THE TIME AS EVER !!!! GOD IS REAL !!! TRULY MORE REAL THAN ANY POSSIBILITY!!! PLEASE REPLY OF APPS YOU FEEL DECENTLY RAN BY DECENT PEOPLE NOT SCAMS OR FRONTS AND HOW OR WHAT THEY PERTAIN TO! ITS HARD TO FIND THINGS OUT! SO SMOTHERED BY THE MONGERING GOING ON BUT MOST OF THE EARTH IS OF DECENCY/ DECENT PEOPLE!!

  6. great apps! i would just not recommend the elevation church, there’s prosperity pastors in there. including steven furtick, he’s said a couple non Biblical things before and things that go fully against Christ. so i just suggest to be careful!

  7. The sunshine thing app no one should download it they say that it is guided meditation more like yoga and it said yoga is demonic soul I will not advise anyone to download that app hope you learn something from this thank you b y e

  8. Elevation church is a cult, not a true biblically sound church or doctrine teaching. Steven Furtick dismisses sin and teaches that mankind is inherently "good". He plays on emotions like all othe Word of Faith preachers up there with Hillsong, Bethel, Joel Olsteen, and other mega-churches who sell you Lies.
    I suggest you please study Gods' word for yourself to hold to the simple Gospel of Salvation which starts with repentance and faith, and always compare what you hear to what the Bible says. By doing this, the Holy Spirit will work through you and mature you and will never leave you.
    I say this in love. ❤️ Be on guard!

  9. You seem like a sweet girl and a very young Christian. But please be very careful about what you are promoting. many false preachers mentioned in this one video. Love and prayers for you <3

  10. Hello Kristina how are you doing I am sorry that I miss your videos I am so sorry I was so busy spending time with God alot and Kristina can you pray for me and my family because I loss my granddad this year 😥💔 his name Allen Jones love you and I am praying for you and your family and your friends God bless you your family and your friends you all have a wonderful fantastic awesome bless safe beautiful lovely day with God your heavenly father enjoy the rest of your day wherever you are keep God first place God loves you and I love you God bless stay safe 🙏📖😊🥰❤️

  11. Does the first app have the Geneva version with Apocrypha or the Ethiopian Deuterocannon? I had an app when I was younger called E-Sword that you could get the apocrypha in. While the apocrypha and Ethiopian Deuterocannon aren't commonly studied, there was some divine inspiration to it, and certain church groups do consider this stuff necessary to read to understand the bigger picture because like historical fiction, they can be used as a serious source for certain information.


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