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  1. My dear Maureen. We need to be deeply rooted in the word of God. The Apostle John claimed in Revelation 20:12a “And I saw the dead, small and great, standing before God, and books were opened ….And the dead were judged according to their works…….

    The implication of this verse meaning – Those who do not depend on Christ for their salvation will be judged “ according to their works”. Since all have sinned, and the wages of sin is death, they will all receive the wages they earned: the second death.

    Who are we to dispute the word of God/ Koran which is a lamp into our feet and a light into our path.

    Are you claiming that there is no hell, no heaven? Basically, if your response is No: you are claiming that the judgement ahead of you and I as posited in 2 Corinthians 5:10, Romans 14:12 are myths verses quoted.

    For years back, it was claimed via revelation that Idahosa is in hell. Besides, you can accept it or not.

    Regarding wearing “trousers”-read Deuteronomy 22:5. Individual with his/her choice. You can follow what the Bible says/ disregard it.

    Those in the Europe countries with cold weather seasons: some women still choose not to put on trousers. They must have had thermal tights/ legenes underneath their dresses/ skirts.

    The Queen of England has never worn trousers publicly in her life up till now. Is a choice precisely.
    More to educate ourselves on.


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