1. My routine as a Christian girl, (at my mom’s house.)

    5:00 am. My sonic screaming alarm goes off, jump scaring me. I hit snooze.

    5:20. I it snooze again.

    5:40 to 6:50 I keep hitting snooze until my mom screams at me to get up.

    6:54ish I finally get up and throw on a cute outfit I picked out the night before.

    7:00 I do my skincare and makeup, and brush my teeth and hair

    7:25 take the lunch my mom packed me and my computer and put the into my crusty falling apart backpack.

    7:30 fill up my water bottle and then get distracted by my cute dog

    7:32 my mom gives me my ADHD meds

    7:40, I am sitting in the corner, completely ready on the Bible app while my mom runs around like a mad lady getting everything together at the last minute

    7:50 we leave the house and drive to school

    8:00 I eat my soggy cereal in a mug that my step dad threw
    Together at the last minute. We listen to random worship songs on the radio

    8:10 I get dropped off in the front of the school (it looks like a prison in the dull mornings)

    8:13 I go to my dads classroom and say hi, then I go to my 1st block 😭


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