‼️No Christian Can Explain THIS Clear Bible Contradiction #otmfdawah #shorts

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  1. You only asked this question to a random person on the street because you were afraid someone might actually give a legit answer 😂 there is an explanation for this: the original writings would have had a small error like a wrinkle or smudge of ink that would have made it look like a 2. We know from other secular documents that he was actually 42. Do your research before you accuse God of being wrong, he never is.

  2. There are many mistakes, it is just a record book of Gods two management plan, believers still blindly accept Bible like God, Bible is written by people obviously there will be mistakes and flaws, Bible cannot give life God is the creator of life and only he can give,proving Bible's mistake does not mean God is making mistake😂

  3. Still a Christian before and after watching the video. Real followers of Christ will believe and follow God regardless of what people may try to make up to try to make,(GOD SEEM LIKE UNRESPONSIBLE OR UNREASONABLE,) but our faith in God can’t be destructed and broken when we stick to the word of God and our love for God doesn’t fluctuate by going up and down, instead our love and compassionateness for God should go up and even if we go through times that is painful and times that we feel discouraged and frustrated, and our love and faith in God let’s say goes down, we learn from that and push to do better in our daily lives to get a better relationship with God by having love and affection/tenderheartedness you know that,(complete connection with him.) it’s all about trust God bless. If you are reading this and have been through times in life or are going through a time period/ frame in your life where you see your love and faith, hope in God is going down, learn from these mistakes or if you are in a time period in your life where you see that in your past you trusted god and worshipped him more then now or maybe now you don’t at all. Start trusting him and building up your faith in him by pushing yourself everyday to stay in his word, and praying that he may help you apply what you read from his word into real life situations and applying it into real life perspective and application,(time.) may God bless you mentally/intellectually,, spiritually every time you Rosy to him, fast, and get in his word through your obedience,reverence/
    , honor, respect to him, emotionally with strength to avoid falling for emotions and being led by feelings and emotions but instead to be led by him, may he bless you digitally and use you to reach souls and personally to strengthen you physically, all according to his will

  4. I googled this 'contradiction' and got the refutal within 5mins. The Quran has similar 'contradictions' that have also been refuted.

    With the heart (not mind), a person believes in Jesus' Lordship and is justified (Romans 10v9-10). There is no point trying to reason Jesus out. You either believe and are justified or you dont. Either way I respect your decision. At the end if the day, us Christians have been charged with preaching the message, it is the receivers choice to accept it or not. We respect your choice and will never fight you or harm you in the name of our Lord if you reject Jesus.

    It is your choice ❤

  5. I believe there are minions of Satan on this earth you believe that lol . Stay true to your faith of Jesus Christ never falter thru him all things are possible , ask you shall revive , Gospel of John .

  6. Regardless, either explanation (42 being the beginning of Ahaziah’s kingly family line or a copyist mistake) reduces this alleged discrepancy to nothing and neither harm the integrity of the original inerrant Bible manuscripts.

  7. Yes this has been proven a mistake that lasted about 20 years before it was discovered. It's like having a line of 50 people, tell the first person something and it will be different by time it gets to the end of the line. It's one of few mistakes in the Bible over years and years. I still would follow it any day compared to 26 different quarans and over 93,000 mistakes like my spelling of the word Koran. All false and JESUS IS THE ONLY GOD!!!


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