When the facade of being a successful surgeon crumbled, Tom cried out to God and found the peace he longed for. ▻ 24/7 …


  1. Please help me pray for my health. I don't feel good in my body. I am very scared to find out what is wrong with me. I keep feeling that my death is near. But I want to fight and believe that God will heal me. I want to see my baby grow up. He is still one year old too young to lose a mother. Please pray for me.


  2. I, like Tom, came from an alcoholic family and as a 15 yo prayed to God for help. I surrendered myself to Jesus because I felt so powerless and despairing and do you know what happened? NOTHING!!!!

  3. Thanks for sharing this story. Its interesting how the Lord touches people differently. I to have a story. I was near death. I saw Jesus telling me its time to go. It changed my life/health and purpose.
    I have a channel talking about it. Craigs real life changing health cures. God Bless You!

  4. It's sad to me that our modern church is so impotent and powerless, lukewarm, etc that this man had to personally ask Jesus Christ to prove that he existed rather than clearly seeing the evidence of his existence in Christians around him. Nobody had to ask if Jesus Christ existed when the apostle Paul was raising people from the dead or Peter was casting out demons and healing the sick. But they had extraoridinary power from the Holy Spirit that came with the faith and obedience that we severely lack today.

  5. Thank God for I was born in Europe, in real freedom, in secularism, in freedom of thought, in sexual freedom. Moreover, I was born in a place where i can find a real, deep, mystical-rooted religiosity instead of that sick, superficial fundamentalism.

  6. Ive struggled with my mental illness for years… In 2008 i had kidney failer from a drug overdose.. For some reason God spared my life and I turned too him… And walked and praised with him… Unfortunately I let worldly things and sin consueme me and I turned away… For 12 years tell I faced a major blood clotting in my leg and lungs… Once again he healed me… But I failed too enlarge my spirtual life… Struggling with guilt and shame and PTSD… In Feb of 2021 i had another drug overdose… And woke up the next morning… For the past 8mos Ive been wishing and hoping too die… From the pain im in… Physically but truth be… I d ont want too die… Honestly I want that peace back that i had in 2008… And that relationship with Christ… It be nice too have my health back… But unsure if thats in Gods will or not… All my blood work looks great… But i have puffy eyes and reduced urine output along with barely any testosterone… Also burp up a lot after eating food… I d ont want too go too hell… I want too be with Christ…. I seen 700 club today and it gave me hope… Hope for some peace and hope for possible healing…

  7. His testimony had me crying like a baby.. tears of happiness for him that he found his way to the Lord after so many obstacles. Jesus met him where he was.. and Thank God He showed up to rescue this man's heart❣️ AMEN.. JESUS LORD IS GOOD!!

  8. Tom's experience almost exactly matches mine. I can't repeat it without collapsing in a flood of tears – joyous tears because I can't believe how fortunate and blessed I am. Jesus is real, very real.

  9. Please God release me from the pain in my body. From months of menstural bleeding. Please release me from Visual Snow Syndrome. Please give me my life back- I want to be normal again. I dont know why my health went down hill. I need a miracle. I want a miracle. I wish that you could hear me God. I feel so lonely and depressed. Please save me from this misery. It is affecting my marriage and my ability to be a mother. I am at my witts end.

  10. Dr Itepu Using roots and herbs to cure disease, I was once in herpes patients, when I came across Dr Itepu on YouTube channel I decided to give him a try and he also cured me pamanetly.

  11. If the concept of an eternally inflating multiverse is correct then sooner or later an exact copy of your consciousness and soul will randomly be created from scratch with new material by coincidence in some future universe but life after (your) death is impossible because there is no way for the information stored in your brain to persist after you die and there is clearly no way for the soul to survive death.

    In fact there are exact copies of us being born all of the time at an ever increasing rate as the rate of new bubble universes that form increases at an ever increasing rate. Cosmic inflation is where is universe expanded very rapidly for a very brief moment of time at the big bang. Inflation only ended in our part of space (our bubble universe) while other regions of space are still inflating and this process will go on forever producing an infinite number of big bangs.

    Your exact life you have lived so far and every other possible variation of your life is already being lived by other exact copies of you elsewhere else in the eternally inflating multiverse.

    An exact copy of you would be identical in everyway to you they would think that they are you, they would think exactly like you, they would share your thought processes and memories provided that they have had the exact same life as you, they would have an exact copy of your consciousness and soul, they would have exactly the same brain and neuron complexity as you, they would have and posses exactly the same properties and functions as you have NOW that makes you alive and whatever makes them exist is exactly the same thing that what makes you exist.

    The reason why life after your death is impossible because there are NO spirit particles or forces that could contain the information stored in your brain, consciousness and soul to persist after you die . If there were any spirit particles or forces we would of already detected them in experiments in which we have NOT. Quantum field theory puts very tight constraints on what new types of particles or forces that can exist. Quantum field theory says there is one field for every type of particle electrons on one field, protons on another field etc.

    There are only a finite number of ways that the laws of physics can be different, there is only a finite number of ways matter can be distributed across space and there is also only a finite number of ways matter can arrange itself and with an infinite number of big bangs repetitions of everything are inevitable.

    The rate that new bubble universes form increases by a factor of 2 or doubles every 0.0000000000000000000000000000000001 seconds, when our big bang went through inflation there was about 100 doublings.

    Consciousness and the soul is a certain pattern of arrangement of atoms and electrons, consciousness and the soul is how information feels while it is being processed and consciousness and the soul is something physical that feels non physical.

    Eternal inflation cannot be eternal into the past because the multiverse cannot been expanding or inflating forever until the present time but is eternal into the future. Once inflation begins, it never fully stops and anything that is physically allowed and is physically possible by the laws of physics will ultimately happen an infinite number of times and that is why it is hard to define probabilities in an eternally inflating multiverse since that they will all ultimately happen an infinite number of times.

    Near death experiences is just the brain going haywire and hallucinating when it is nearly dead as there is NOT enough oxygen getting to the brain when it is shutting down.

    These yous are NOT recycled yous they are NEW yous being randomly being created from scratch with new material like a random unorganized production line. Nothing about you is recycled in anyway. Not your atoms, energies, memories etc.

    in another bubble universe Jesus is dying on the cross right now in another he is killed by King Herod. 911 and the titanic events are also happening right now in other bubble universes and 9 11 being prevented or NOT happening and the twin towers are still there. The rate that new bubble universes form increases by a factor of 2^10^34 (2 to the power of (10 to the power of 34) every second. There are much more younger universes than older bubble.universes. There are bubble universes where Hitler is winning the war right now and also there are bubble universes where Hitler is losing the war right now. Every time you make a decision an exact copy of you in another bubble universe would make the opposite decision. I totally reject the bible and the word of God.

  12. Entertaining and comforting but absolute BS. Don't believe these stories. I have said exactly what this man said to god/jesus and there was nothing and I am way more done with life than him. I'm retarded, have mood disorders and have medical issues with my metabolism and never received any help or healing. I believe there's nothing after death can't wait to die. I don't want to deal with this bs any more.


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