Bible Study With Me! John 1 ♡ Hey guys! In this video, I read through Chapter 1 of the book of John 🙂 – My bible: The Jesus Bible …


  1. I have been a Christian my whole life, and I've always struggled with understanding the bible. This has been incredibly helpful and I hope to continue my journey by reading the bible and truly understanding its meaning so I can become closer to God. I know this was posted two years ago, but I just wanted you to know it's still helping people in their walk with God. Thank you.

  2. I love ittt🤩, I've been trying to get back to God for quite some time now. I was in an endless cycle of sin and repentance but i finally broke it and I want to learn more about God. Ill watch one of your videos everyday, thank you so much !😄

  3. "…, and the Word was a god."

    Why the NWT put "a" article before god in John 1:1c when Koine Greek did not use such before "theos"/god?

    First of, Koine Greek has not yet recognized articles such as "a" and "an" in its dialect. But the Coptic Greek in the 3rd century standardized the indefinite article, which is the first translated language by Greek-speaking Christians in Egypt, who were the direct descendants following Jesus's earthly ministry.

    It's a crucial period because the Coptic Greek had not yet been adulterated by the pagan Trinity of the 4th century, with the Nicene Creed endorsed personally by the Roman Emperor.

    Also, the usage of article "a" in John 1:1c, suffices John 1:1b wherein "theon"/God was written in accusative case w/c required the translators to put "with" before God.

    In fact, God is discerning to have instructed John to write John 1:2, "This one was in the beginning with God."  to break the confusion for those who have faith in truth.

    https: //wol.jw. org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1001072114
    https: //en.m.wikipedia. org/wiki/List_of_New_Testament_papyri
    https: //en.m.wikipedia. org/wiki/Coptic_literature

  4. thank you so much for reading through the chapters of John. Today is my first day since being confirmed in 2013 that I am devoting myself back to the Lord and I didn't know where to start but your reading and resources have made everything fall into place for me, I read the chapter before listening to your video and it helped so much thank you again!

  5. Hi everyone I hope everyones day is going well and I hope you know that Jesus Christ loves you dearly it personally has been a stuggle for me lately I have fallen away from Jesus Christ and have just recently gotten back intp the Word of the Lord and just wanted to say even in hard times Jesus is there to help comfort and encourage. If anyone needs something they would like me to pray for I am more then happy to and with the Grace of God he will answer it. If I could also get some prayer that my walk with God grows more and more and my fear and anxiety to share the Gospel of the Lord goes away I would greatly appreciate it. God bless you all

  6. I know I am late , but I’m a 13 year old girl , and I am finally getting consistent with just spending time with Jesus ! This is the first video that I have actually went through without skipping through it or going on my phone. So , I just wanted to say thank you for that , and god has something very special planned for you in life. Continue doing these videos because it really helps me and many more people a lot . Thank you !❤

  7. Thank you for your help touching me how to study the Bible you make it real easy I am bless you run into your channel I been praying for the Lord to send me help the Lord bless you for your passion and desire to share his word ❤


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