You can download the Sermons of D.L. Moody published 1898 – year before his death – at my Airtable on his works I collected so …


  1. Amen! Repentance is the first key to freedom in Christ! Bondage to sin is to be mired in misery here and now! Living in sin makes life hell! Sin is deadly joy destroying poison! God IS Good! What He commands is for our Good and Protection! The enemy works overtime making sin look desirable— it’s not! It’s a lie from the pit of hell! God IS Good!

    Thank you for the Truth!

  2. Hi Doug – Thank you for another great video. Could you please comment on the resurrection? Do you think this was a later accretion or even corruption, or is it a doctrine that we must believe, even within the context of Jesus' Words Only? Obviously, a literal resurrection is very important for "faith alone" believers, but it seems to lack relevance for a Jesus' Words Only believer. Thank you again!


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