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  1. Prayers from a sinner is an abomination to God (Proverbs 28:9):
    The prayer(s) of those who turn from God’s law and continue to deliberately sin will become a curse. He detests the prayers of those who reject Him and His word, but in times of trouble they call to him. God will hear only those who have his Holy Spirit. Those who use their minds to willfully sin against him he will not hear (Proverbs 15:29). Those who truly want God to hear their prayers will seek first God's kingdom and his righteousness; only then will all things be added unto them (Matthew 6:33). The only prayer God hears from a sinner is the prayer of repentance–the prayer to becoming one of God's faithful servants (John 9:31). No more, no less.

  2. Hey you ! If you are the one reading this right now. Christ loves you cheer up! God has beautiful things for your life, let God's purpose be fulfilled in your life and stop fighting with your strength. give everything to God, trust him. God bless your life !

  3. Congratulations to you all who testified..i love how everyone demonstrated that they were well equipped to be able to stand and face different circumstances..demonstrated their faith…the ministry is raising giants and not babes who rely on their men or women of God😢


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