After a terrible car accident, Bobby was left in pain for decades: a pain that grew more and more debilitating each year and …


  1. God's hand is not too short to save. Sometimes, God allows things to happen because HE will use your situation for His name to be glorified. With the accident that happened, it made her run to God, God first changed her heart before she received healing. Above everything, God is after our heart. When you learn to trust Him, everything will be added because you first seek Him. He not only heals our body but our soul too.

  2. jan 2018 I was scheduled to have surgery to close my torn retina in left eye. Asked 6 ladies of our church and my family to pray for me to st lucy and the holy lord for healing, since I was dreading the surgery,. 3 weeks later i notice my vision improving so had the dr check, he was amazed: It healed itself!!

  3. I have been always txting the 700 club to help me pray for healing of my Parkinson's Disease and they have been always generous with their time. And today through the internet may i ask you to please pray for me again. I have been diagnosed with the illness in 2010' and it has progressed since then, my meds often times would no longer work, so i'm almost always at home with my stiff and rigid muscles of the legs and feet ..i have dyskinesia , i get so tired when walking a few steps due to the involuntary kicking, moving like with epilepsy, my throat is getting smaller, i experience back pain from the waist up to my shoulders and neck, constipation and gas pain after every meal, insomnia, anxiety and depression. Please please Lord Jesus heal me. I believe in GOd that he will heal me soon. Thank you!

  4. I contracted herpes' I was told there is no Herpes cure except treatment to control it. I totally lost hope. All I could think was losing my life because it was so embarrassing to have this virus, few weeks ago I read about a possible natural cure which was guaranteed. And I ordered the treatment after some weeks I got 100% cure. Now I'm so excited to share this testimony thanks Dr Apala


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