This message will prepare you for a glorious new year. Patiently listen to it in order to maximize 2024 and become the best …


  1. I am so sorry why God has decided to Call back so soon for Dr Myles Monroe so soon. But, perhaps he knew his Devine called is very soon, perhaps in short times he has left behind many teaching so that we in this present and future decades may be blessed.
    Many Thanks for your Organization for uploaded these brilliant teaching which inspired me so much and perhaps many many across the Globe.

  2. Planing is the highest expression of Faith.

    Faith demands a plan.

    Planning is the act of capturing God’s Will for your life. It gives definition to Faith.

    When God tells you something, and you don’t sit down and write it and plan for it then you do not believe it

    Planning documents vision!
    Without a plan life has no definition. Without a plan there is no goal control

    Planning is Faith. Many plans fail because people do not follow through on the work. Faith without works is dead.

  3. God is a planner. Imitate God. When your plans fail, don’t give up and think that God isn’t in it. Just change the plan. Plans can change, but keep your purpose clear. Plans are changeable but never your purpose.

    Spare time on your dreams and vision. First sit down, then estimate what you need for your vision, then work your plan and be willing to die for it.

    A planner will always be promoted. A visionary is a self-motivated person. A plan is a documented desire.

    Putting the plans on paper is my responsibility. How it’s going to be paid for is God’s problem. God is responsible for explaining how it’s going to get done. Don’t be afraid of how much it costs. God didn’t ask you for the money, He asked for the plan. Verse 2 – Check your motives! Verse 3 – commit them to the Lord.

    You want the Lord to lead you? Attract Him. Make a plan.

  4. This bullshit. I constantly give my white female boss advice on how to stop shoplifting in our store and she brushes All of that off, gets together with corporate and implements dumbass rules that make it seem like the employees are the ones stealing shoes…..white people WILL NEVER allow a black man to get ahead in any job field!!!!! This video is FULL OF SHIT!!!!

  5. Faith demands a plan.

    God has a plan for you but He doesn't plan for you.

    Planning is the highest expression of faith.

    If you believe something, then you plan for it.

    Planning is the act of capturing God's will for my life.

    Planning is definition of faith.

    Planning pulls the promises out of eternity and brings them into being.

    Planning documents vision. Without vision people perish, no self control. Faith is expressed through planning, so planning is faith.

    Planning without work is failure.

    God is a planner. Ephesians 1:4.

    God made new plans.

    If you don't have a plan you can't change a plan 🙌🙆‍♂️


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