Sin has infected our whole world, but Jesus provides the cure. Find out how you can be healed in this Billy Graham sermon …


  1. And this is the catalyst that drives all things living and moving in the Earth. " Be still, and know that I am the Lord". Whatever you are going or have gone through, be still, Jesus is here and he is knocking. God bless you all, in Jesus name..🤗🌈🕊️

  2. John 3:16😊❤ and John 14:6😊❤ too. Same book and same author in Christ❤.
    I see thanksgiving in John 3:16. God gave us Jesus😊1st❤ in Christ.

    God loves you( John 3:16😊❤). "…. he gave❤ his one and only Son( Jesus😊1st❤)…"

    John 3:16(Thanksgiving in NT( Nt) )

    John 3:16😊❤( Thanksgiving from God(;😊100%❤ to us, he gave us Jesus😊1st❤)

    John 3:16

    "16 For God ( 😊100%❤) so loved ❤the world❤ that he gave ❤his one only Son( Jesus😊1st❤) , that whoever(or anyone❤) believes(trusts) in him( Jesus😊1st❤) shall not perish( not die twice, physical and spiritual death, but only die once only physically someday in Christ) but have eternal ❤life😊❤."( John 3:16 ESV)

    I thank God (
    our Father in heaven for Jesus (Jesus😊1st❤)
    our savior in Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit(😊❤)
    our helper in Christ. In Jesus'name, i pray( God loves you( John 3:16😊❤). Amen.
    Thank God ( 😊100%❤) for those who give❤ in thanksgiving❤ time ❤ in Christ Jesus(😊1st❤). In Jesus'name, i pray( Thank you God ( 😊1st❤)for your giving us Your Son( Jesus😊1st❤), so we too learn to give to one another in Christ and others too with love❤ too in Christ. ) in Jesus'name, i pray( God gave us His Son( Jesus) or
    John 3:16😊❤
    "16 For God ( 😊100%❤) so loved ❤the world❤ that he gave ❤his one only Son( Jesus😊1st❤) , that whoever(or anyone❤) believes(trusts) in him( Jesus😊1st❤) shall not perish( not die twice, physical and spiritual death, but only die once only physically someday in Christ) but have eternal ❤life😊❤."( John 3:16 ESV)

    John 14:6❤😊
    " 6 Jesus answered,
    " I am
               the way ❤😊
                the truth ❤😊
                 the life😊❤.

    No one


    to the Father( God, our Father in heaven )


    through me."( John 14:6😊❤ Zondervan NIV Study Bible. ) In Jesus'name, i pray( John 14:6, Jesus😊1st❤) Amen.

  3. Reverend Billy Graham added the most value to Biblical truths above the majority of mankind, yet even he was subject to wrong translations, unable to sort it out, unless he would have had direct access to the same Heavenly spirits who spoke with the prophets of old, – The false traditions in religious colleges have cause much harm to preachers. In the case of :"born again", – Christ actually said "Born from Above". Nicodemus asked "reincarnation?" Jesus said, "no, you as a spirit born into this world, had to arrived from Heaven (Above) if you are to return there now…" – Because before Jesus Christ died on the cross and DEFEATED satan, NO spirits (humans ) were able to return to Heaven.
    Christ defeated satan, the terms of that victory are that satan lost the right to physically stop any fallen repentant spirit from returning to Paradise in Heaven.
    Christ won our freedom from this eternal hell, Earth, this realm, locked under satan's (lucifer's) control as dictator/ overlord. AFTER Christ defeated satan, the fallen spirits (we all, the 1/3 of rebels who were kicked out of Paradise in Heaven with lucifer, along with Adam and Eve – this is our ORIGINAL SIN in the Bible ) we are now allowed to return to Paradise in Heaven, JUST as Christ said, to the repentant (meaning "reverse your thinking from evil to good") man on the cross beside Him,,, "You will be with Me in PARADISE this very day!" – this is the GOSPEL (good news), we are saved from eternal death (spiritual death, which is separation from God, Who is LIFE ) godsgrandplan org is a great start that proves the Bible is a SPIRITUAL book, not a worldly book, and cannot be explained by mundane thinking, but by inspiration from the holy spirits (plural) as we read in Hebrews 1:14 from the ministering spirits of truth from Heaven, our guides of wisdom through life in Christ Jesus. !

  4. When Jesus told Nicodemus at John 3:3, that "most truly I say to you, unless anyone is born from water and spirit, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God", did he mean that a person decides for themselves that they would "enter the Kingdom of God", that is "go to heaven" ?

    First off, who decides who ' enters the Kingdom of God ' (and 2nd, what is God's Kingdom) ? At Matthew 20, the mother of the apostles James and John came and asked Jesus: "Give the word that these two sons of mine may sit down, one at your right hand and one at your left, in your Kingdom."(Matt 20:20, 21)

    Jesus realized that she was put up this by her two sons, so he turns to James and John and says: "You do not know what you are asking for. Can you drink the cup that I am about to drink ?” They (James and John) said to him: “We can.”

    "He said to them: “You (James and John) will indeed drink my cup (of disowning themselves and taking up Jesus torture stake, enduring persecution and even death, see Matt 16:24, 25; Acts 12:1, 2; Rev 1:9), but to sit down at my right hand and at my left is NOT mine to give, but it belongs to those for whom it has been prepared (or those chosen) by my Father.”(Matt 20:22, 23)

    At 2 Thessalonians 2, the apostle Paul wrote: "However, we are obligated always to thank God for you, brothers loved by Jehovah (God's name, see Isa 12:2; 26:4, KJV), because from the beginning God selected ("selected", Greek haireomai, meaning "to take for oneself, i.e. prefer") you (as a body or group of people and NOT as individuals) for salvation by sanctifying you with his (holy) spirit (being "sealed with holy spirit", Eph 1:13, 14) and by your faith in the truth (or a person must know "the truth" and NOT accept lies)."

    "He (Jehovah and NOT the person themselves) called ("called", Greek kaleo, meaning "to call, to call aloud, call out, call forth from") you to this through the good news (of the Kingdom, see Matt 24:14) we declare, so that you may acquire the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ (as immortal spirit "sons of God", see 1 Cor 15:53).'(2 Thess 2:13, 14)

    So, to be "selected" or "chosen", a person first must be doing this, as Luke 10:25-28 describes: "Now look ! a man versed in the (Mosaic) Law stood up to test him (Jesus) and said: “Teacher, what do I need to do to inherit everlasting life ?” He said to him: “What is written in the Law ? How do you read ?”

    "In answer he said (quoting Deut 6:5 and Lev 19:18): “‘You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole strength and with your whole mind’ and ‘your neighbor as yourself.’ " He said to him: “You answered correctly; keep doing this and you will get life.”

    These ones will be doing what Jesus said at Matthew 28:19, 20, showing genuine love for Jehovah and their neighbor: "Go, therefore, and make disciples of people of all the nations (going "from house to house", Acts 20:20), baptizing them in the name of the Father (Jehovah God) and of the Son (Jesus Christ) and of the holy spirit (Jehovah's active, life force), teaching them (as by means of home Bible studies) to observe all the things I have commanded you."

    These ones will be doing as Paul wrote at 2 Corinthians 6: "Do not become unevenly yoked (as in marriage) with unbelievers (or those not genuinely serving Jehovah). For what fellowship do righteousness and lawlessness have ? Or what sharing does light (of Bible truth) have with darkness (or falsehoods of the religions of the world, such as Christendom) ? Further, what harmony is there between Christ and Beʹli·al (or Satan, literally meaning "worthlessness", such as Hophni and Phinehas, 1 Sam 2:12, who were literally called "sons of worthlessness") ?"

    "And what agreement does God’s temple have with idols (such as worshipping the cross or Peter's statue in Rome, whereby people kisses his toe, or nationalism that is idolized by the masses, see Rev 13:1-4) ? For we are a (spiritual) temple of a living God; just as God said (at Isa 52:11 and Eze 37:27): “I will reside among them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be my people."

    "Therefore, get out from among them, and separate yourselves (see Rev 18:4, whereby sincere people are told to leave the false religions of the world and Isa 2:2, to come to "the mountain of the house of Jehovah" for true worship),’ says Jehovah, ‘and quit touching the unclean thing’”; “‘and I will take you in. And I will become a father to you, and you will become sons and daughters to me,’ says Jehovah, the Almighty.”(2 Cor 6:14-18)

    At Revelation 5, it describes what the 144,001 "chosen ones" (Matt 24:22, 24, 31; Rev 7:4; 14:1; Note: Jesus is the " 1 " that was also chosen by Jehovah God, see Luke 9:35, whereby the Greek word eklegomai is used, meaning "to select", but which the King James Bible and Catholic Douay Version rendered the Greek word agapetos, meaning "beloved", that had been supplanted in place of eklegomai, for the Codex Vaticanus of about 350 C.E. has eklegomai) for "the heavenly calling" (Heb 3:1) will do, saying:

    "And they (the 144,000 "chosen ones" that are imperfect but "declared righteous", Rom 3:24) sing a new song, saying: “You are worthy to take the scroll and open its seals, for you were slaughtered and with your blood you bought people for God out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation, and you made them to be a (heavenly) kingdom and priests to our God (see Ex 19:5, 6), and they are to rule as kings over the earth.”(Rev 5:9, 10)

  5. Eu assisti agora, eu preciso entregar a minha vida a Jesus, eu chorei, eu estou chorando um pouquinho, eu preciso da ajuda de Deus, da ajuda do Espírito Santo; Eu preciso que o Senhor Jesus entre dentro de mim, e me transforme; mas eu não sei se consigo fazer sozinho, eu preciso da ajuda, alguma pessoa para falar, algum homem, alguma mulher, algum senhor, alguma senhora, ou um jovem, ou até mesmo uma criança, eu preciso ser transformado; eu preciso de Jesus Cristo, por favor se alguém puder, e eu acredito que vocês podem, e que também vocês querem, me ajudem a fazer com que eu venha deixar o Senhor Jesus entrar dentro do meu coração. Eu quero ter uma nova mente, eu quero ver as coisas diferente, eu quero ter o amor que Jesus tinha pelas pessoas; eu não tenho nada, eu sou um fracasso, eu estou no fundo do poço, eu preciso de Jesus Cristo, se alguém puder, por favor, eu imploro, por favor, me ajudem, eu quero ser alguém diferente, eu quero ser uma nova pessoa. Mas eu não sei como fazer, eu não consigo, eu não estou conseguindo; Eu sei que Jesus pode entrar dentro de mim, que o Senhor nosso Pai, pode nos transformar, eu preciso de ajuda, eu preciso, eu sou um pecador, mas eu não me vejo muito mal, eu preciso saber, eu preciso reconhecer, que sou muito ruim, que os meus pecados mataram Jesus na cruz, e eu já fiz coisas que eu prefiria sem comparação ter morrido em um aborto, do que ter feito, eu quero falar algo, mas não é para que tenham compaixão de mim, apesar que eu preciso bastante, mas eu tentei suicídio três vezes, todas as vezes foi tomando medicamentos psiquiátricos, eu tentei uma vez em julho de 2017, eu tomei 34 comprimidos de medicamentos psiquiátricos; eu tentei a segunda vez, a segunda vez eu tentei na universidade no qual eu ainda estava estudando, eu tomei 18 comprimidos de medicamentos psiquiátricos, e a terceira vez, foi um pouco mais de um ano, depois da segunda vez que eu tentei me suicidar, em março de 2021, eu tomei 8 comprimidos, ou cápsulas de sertralina, eu preciso de Jesus Cristo, eu quero que o Senhor destruir as barreiras que está impedindo de eu ter verdadeiramente um encontro pessoal com Ele.

  6. What a wonderful message this close to Thanksgiving 2923 i have received God as my Savior and to see all these people come although it was a few years ago brought tears to my eyes may God bless anyone who saw this message and received God Amen 😊

  7. Jesus Was Born Incarnate

    Jesus was born incarnate to a young Jewish virgin, lived a sin free life, was illegally persecuted and then crucified on a cross on Calvary. He arose three days later defeating death and ascended into Heaven where He sits at the right hand of God.

    “Jesus knew He was entering the world to be the final and ultimate sacrifice for sin. His body had been divinely prepared by God specifically for that purpose. Jesus was going to die for the sins of the world, and He knew it. Moreover, He was doing it willingly and joyfully . That was the whole point of His incarnate birth.

    Jesus came to earth, of course, to reveal God to mankind. He came to teach truth. He came to fulfill the Law. He came to offer His kingdom. He came to show us how to live. He came to reveal God’s love. He came to bring peace. He came to heal the sick. He came to minister to the needy.

    He was raised in a family who didn't believe in His divinity. He had six half-brothers and two or three half-sisters who didn't believe in His divinity until after His resurrection.

    What gets me is demons knew His divinity but men and women of His time didn't. Strange.

    I presume Mary and Joseph knew His divinity. But in Luke 2:49-50 [NKJV] “He said to them, [His earthly parents] “Why did you seek Me? Did you not know that I must be about My Father’s business?”

    Did they not understand Jesus' divinity? This makes me wonder.

    "But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you." (Matthew 6:33 NKJV)

    Luke 3:23 states that Jesus was "about 30 years of age" at the start of his ministry.

    Jesus preformed 14-15 miracles (they were called signs) in the three years or so of His ministry on earth. Many miracles were preformed by Jesus Christ but not specifically identified and recorded in God's word.

    Jesus' miracles were followed by Jesus forgiving the individuals of their sins and commanded they sin no more. Many of Jesus' miracles were not identified. No other religious leader forgave mankind of their sins.

    Our sins separate us from God, and there’s nothing we can do to make things right. So, we need someone to save us from our sins and make us acceptable to God. That someone is Jesus Christ. 'Neither is there salvation in any other: for among men there is given no other Name under heaven, whereby we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12 GNV)

    That’s why God sent Jesus to earth. Jesus’ death on the cross paid for every wrong we’ve ever committed or will do. Jesus made it possible for us to have a relationship with God the Father. I am a sinner from birth and need help, Jesus Christ is that help, my only hope.

    Therefore by the deeds of the law (Ten Commandments) no flesh will be justified in His sight, for by the law our sins are recognized not saved.

    I try to confess my sins and iniquities before Jesus Christ, at the foot of the cross daily.

    Jesus said in Matthew 28:19, to His disciples that: “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.”

    I will not have to stand before The Great White Throne of God, my sins have been cleansed by Jesus Christ's crucifixion on the cross. All my sins and iniquities before today, today and forever.

    I Love Jesus Christ despite the fact that I'm human and I fail Him daily; I pick up my cross daily and follow Him. I believe that Jesus is the Son of God and that He was crucified on the cross where He died for my sins and inequities and that He rose again on the 3rd day to give me a way through salvation and sanctification. He loves me dearly and forgives my sins and inequities. His Word says that if I deny Him before men, He will deny me before His Father.

    Following is one of the greatest verses in God's Word.

    “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16 NKJV)

    I am a Christ-follower and live in the Kingdom of God on earth in Jesus Christ, my Lord, Savior and Leader. I have faith and trust in the grace and mercy of God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit for eternal life for my soul in Heaven when I pass from this life.

    I proclaim this openly that I am sinner, that I am sorry for my sin and inequity and repent of my sin and receive Jesus Christ by faith into my heart as my Savior. I openly confess He as Lord from this moment on, I want to follow Him, and pledge to obey Him daily, and read His word and I will include those in my prayers who are lost and have chosen to deny Jesus Christ.

    Jesus Christ declared: “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” (John 14:6 NKJV)

    I am in the “Lamb's Book of Life” and will not face “The Great White Throne of God” which leads to Hell.

    God bless


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