Christmas Grace (2013) | Full Movie | Ryan-Iver Klann | Tim Kaiser | Keith Perna A toy store owed by a Christian man has to deal …


  1. Dear Christian movie Channel, do you have any control over the commercials presented here?? I am shocked….to the point I can't watch this movie. I hope you can find a way to fix this, e abuse they are targeting your Christian Channel

  2. ppl of the Earth, watch and pray , be spiritually prepared ,stop sinning , get rid of adultery, corruption, idolatry, hatred, gossiping, fornication,any kind of addiction, pornography,sexual perversion and imorrality. Love each other , pray 4 each other, forgive each other , love your neighbors as urself . Seek the Kingdom of God and all the rest will be added to you.

  3. So wonderful 🥹❤️ trying to keep my hopes up and this seemingly ordinary film touched my soul big time. Thank you. Praise Jesus🙏so glad I stumbled on your channel. This is really what Christmas is all about- God's grace. Will watch this again.

  4. Jesus is Lord God Almighty clothed in unsinful humanity and He is the author of (eternal life) to all who trust Him alone for salvation: this means that saving repentance is realizing that you are a sinner deserving of God's just punishment in Hell and turn (repent) from whatever you trusted in before, if indeed you trusted in anything; to trusting in the person and finished work of Christ (alone) for salvation.

  5. Great message in this movie. I love Jesus Christ. Trusting him to activate the Power of the Holy Spirit to heal my brain tumor and every aspect of my life.

    My message to everyone is simple. Heaven is real and there will not be segregation based on the color of my skin nor based on the type of church I attended in earth. Share the message and love with other people. My skin is brown but there's no brown skinned people in this movie. Segregation hurts to live it but the segregated state of mind is enforced in movies like this with only white people. I was a teenager when I learned about Koreans and Latinos because they went to my school. It took many years for me to discover the many other races of people God created in his image to populate this world.

    We have all sinned and fallen short of God's glory so share the good news of Christ, his love and forgiveness. Hear the voice of the Holy Spirit speak to your heart and let him lead your life not fear ❤️

  6. i love it❤, what an incredible movie, God love and grace is good… i cried in the end🥲… Gary's grace and calmness is priceless👼. Wish the people of the would be like a Gary, it would be a better place, fill with kindness, love, forgiveness and grace.❤🙏

  7. This is one of the best Christmas movies I've ever watched. The others are about trees and romance and you name it….and have nothing to do with our Lord, Jesus Christ. If I was not born again, now would certainly be the time.❤

  8. How sad greed brings out the best in some people , they cannot grasp what Christmas means . As our Lord was born to Our Lady in the manger . We are blessed to be a part of this wonderful gift of Love and Hope.
    There will always be greedy selfish people whom share Gods planet .
    We whom believe that Christ lives and was born that blessed night try and take the light of God to all whom live in darkness .
    But don’t recognise it.
    May Gods love surround you and your family not just one day of the year but every day of your life.❤️🇬🇧🙏

  9. This movie reminds me of the movie w/Tom Hanks as a big time book store owner and Meg Ryan a simple quant book/gifts shop owner. Tom ran his book/toy store, very modern two story and left Meg hoping for miracle to stay in business. However, Meg had no idea it was Tom who own the store as the met a few times. I believe the movie was You've Got Mail but it was similar to this one.

  10. I love this sweet, simple movie which demonstrates the POWER of the Gospel, and the POWER of one who refuses to walk in bitterness but instead LOVES his enemies, PRAYS for them, does GOOD to them, and BLESSES them. That is the life of a child of God whom God will work through MIGHTILY! Beautiful movie and very representative of the True Normal Christian Life. <3


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