In this exclusive interview with Premier TV, Pastor WF Kumuyi of the Deeper Life Bible Church shares the remarkable story of how …


  1. Wow! Lost track of time, very captivating. Amazing questions asked too. At this level still passionate, and as He said we must have the mind of Christ and be forever passionate. We should always keep desiring to be like Christ. Thank you very much for this. Great one! God bless

  2. In the Hebrew aleph-bet is no letter J. In the Hebrew tongue is no sound of J. The Son of YAHWEH was an Israelite whose language was Hebrew. Ha' Mashiah was born in Bethlehem and He grew up in Nazareth. His Name is Yahoshua. The abbreviation of His Name is Yahshua. The Name of the Almighty Creator is YAHWEH.
    The way that leads to hai (life) is narrow: and it is only a small number of people that find it.
    The Sacred Name full besorah (full glad tidings) mashiahkiyim (messianic) renewed covenant (new testament) Israel is the true religion and true Faith. And it is accessible to all who would believe the 87 books of the Hebrew Scripture: it is open to the Yahudim first and also to the gentiles who attempt to be removed from the wild olive tree and be grafted into the cultivated olive tree.
    HalleluYAH. HalleluYAHWEH.

  3. He is a gentle giant. Pastor Kumuyi is a man of God.His passion for soul winning is unwavering. GCK is his new brand now to reach souls for Christ . God will keep him till the end 🙏


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