1. That's actually good as long as you're not sleeping around instead both are just as bad. Been single a decade plus lost count being lonely sucks when ur like 40 and these women these days just expect the impossible like 99% of the women seen on any given podcast episodes of the whatever or something similar to it where the e girls go on and then make all their demands when not a single one of them is a natural 9 let alone a10 their like just either slightly above average to average to even ugly some were on there but that's not the point they're all 4s even if a 10 just cuz they do of God made sex to be between man and woman 1 on 1 its the most intimate thing anyone can share with another person and its meant for a wife n husband to create a child or show their love to each other and we actually the closest on earth we can get to God is when we are married and have sex that's how special that moment is and why pron makes me creeped out its like ur vent cukde

  2. I have 3 relationships this school year my first ones and I got broke up with the first but I broke up the second and now I’m with another girl and we going on a double date tonight my first date can’t wait lol I’m in 6th grade

  3. I'm 18, and most of the teen girls around my area are the super trendy kind and quite rude. It is also difficult since I was raised old school without technology in my pocket 24/7 and most teens my age got phones at fucking 8 so spending time outside getting injured for fun and pranking people is non existent in most kids. Plus, dating is kinda out the window for teens like me who are involved with trades and heavy machinery since my generation cares more about tech and progressive bullshit over reality

  4. lmao i wasn’t allowed to have a bf until 16 either but i got one at 15 and 10 months too!!!! that’s j rlly funny to me that we were in the exact same situation. what rebels we r 😎😎

  5. I’ve always kind of thought that people who are dating and in relationships in high school are more mature and experienced than me, but I feel like the opposite is what’s actually true, after observing these relationships more closely. Still, you feel like you don’t know anything because you don’t have a boyfriend and everyone else does. Not that you even want that, you just feel like you have to, exactly what Spencer said. Growing up is weird.

  6. Hollywood is obsessed with teens in relationships and having sex all the time. Its not just unrealistic, but really weird considering how these stories are usually written by older adults.


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