Carla Pratico was living for the approval of people as a successful business woman in NYC. Everything changed for her when she …


  1. When God speaks the truth to your soul it melts the hardest of hearts, and you come to your senses for the first time in your life. Only someone who has encountered God for real can understand fully what this young lady is talking about.

  2. 1:01 She’s a country girl at heart. She needs to live out in deep nature. I could have told here that.
    I had a college friend like her somewhat. She’s now living happily with her 2 children and small farm, farmer husband in Wyoming or somewhere like that.

  3. Dr Itepu Using roots and herbs to cure disease, I was once in herpes patients, when I came across Dr Itepu on YouTube channel I decided to give him a try and he also cured me pamanetly.

  4. I was strayed away from Jesus & today was a big change for me and I think HE REALLY DOES LOVE ALL OF US BECAUSE THIS WAS THE FIRST VIDEO I SEE WHEN I LOOKED UP JESUS JOURNEY, what coincidence is it that this is what I am going through, God is truly good!!

  5. If you're believing that the Bible is the Holy Word of GOD, then it was not Jesus that saved you. The truth will come out very soon. It's the time to wake up. We're living in the biggest LIE since the creation of humans.

  6. I go to these nightclubs, and high end bars, and people are surprised wen I hug them and say heyyy hows it going. Then when they become my friend, I tell them God bless, or blessings, and they slowly change. I guess that culture doesnt affect my walk with God. takes a special person do that

  7. Hi
    The Bible does NOT say that ‘ He will spend eternity with you in heaven’!
    HE will come DOWN from heaven and rule the world from Jerusalem with His resurrected people !
    Shalom to us only in Christ Yeshua returning soon to reign over the world government from Jerusalem!

  8. This is 100% accuracy, you escape through drugs bringing forth more and more depression and anxienty and trying to escape that by doing more drugs and more so it never ends only Jesus can break this cycle permanently.

  9. I appreciate your story. As someone who has dealt with 10 years of Alcohol and drug abuse God helped removed that from me, at times it can he tough realizing everyone goes through difficulties. Even someone like you that was successful, attractive, and seemingly getting ahead but in reality we all have the struggles and need for God

  10. I have a better bar joke: 'horse walks into a bar….bartender says ….why the long face?' But, seriously folks she just sobered up and now has to explain her drunken behavior and that is how she deals with life…telling more lies.


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