1. 32 years is too long to say LEADERSHIP is faith authorized and entrusted to an individual or a group blessed it appears that staying away from sentences would be a great idea because intellectual incapacitation is self conclusive bless

  2. So God's Purpose will produce conviction that will produce vision that will produce passion and that will produce inspiration that results in leadership. Thank you Lord for Dr Myles Monroe 🙏🙏🙏

  3. ❤Genesis 12:3. 🇮🇱 Matthew 25:31-46❤
    ❤Christians ✝️ speak of scriptures as being this or that as a salvation 🙏 issue, here Jesus made this a salvation 🙏 issue Himself in Matthew 25:31-46🇮🇱
    😊No teasing out scriptures or extrapolations needed, it's as plain as the Sun shine 😊
    ❤Jesus made this a salvation 🙏 issue in Matthew 25:31-46🇮🇱 and before He returns I'd recommend ministering the same ❤God bless you on your journey ❤

  4. The man influenced governments and countries and heads of state anyone claiming he’s wrong that means you haven’t found your purpose yet and your still stuck in your old mindset 🙏🫡

  5. I would have liked to have heard his full sermon, because St. Peter & St. Paul, taught others, leading them in The Way that they might follow Christs their one leader more closely " "Neither be ye called masters, for one is your master, even Christ" Matt.23v10., " follow Me", " My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, & they follow Me.. " Jn.10v25,….. " Cursed in he who trusts in man…." Jer 17v5..
    IT IS ADVISEd in the Proverbs TO SEEK ADVICE FROM multiple sources, and to SEEK The Lord for clarification & wisdom. I have made serious mistakes by trusting leaders & my own take on what they advised, not double checking on what is written & would have been revealed to me by my Lord & Saviour. AND He later showed me my serious error, that caused serious loss on my part, from listening to " man" , & SHOWed ME A GRAVELY SERIOUS MIS- INTERPRETATION BY Dr. M. Monroe, so that I could discern his apparently powerful teaching, BUT see his CLEARLY mis- leading INTERPRETATION OF SCRIPTURE, AWAY from the truth of ONE VITAL PROMISE OF JESUS. If YOU KNOW YOUR LORD, ( Jn.14), & TEACHER, YET LISTEN TO MANY videos of Dr. M. Monroe, you should know the mis- interpretTion I am referring to, which was clearly contrary to The Word of God, in Jn.14

  6. Jesus told his purpose to Pilate, in Jn.18, & told His disciples their purpose in a particualr verse in Matt. 5, and again at the end if His sermon on the mount. There are many Bible scholars who have their own purpose & agenda, teaching others how to be successful leaders. Yes, St. Paul taught the saints, how to ' lead' a church; yet Paul summarised his teaching of a christian's purpose, in many places in his letters such as Rom.12, & 2 Cor.7v1, which his life was an example of…: and Simon Peter in 2 Peter.ch1, also taught what he lived, following only the leadership of Jesus Christ & His Word, summaried in Proverbs 22v4….

  7. I think leadership is the ability to influence people to work together to accomplish a goal. Everything succeeds or fails because of leadership, so that means leadership is the problem and solution lol


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