This is an indepth discussion into the Power of Planning by Bishop David O. Oyedepo. This is highly recommended for leaders of …


  1. The Power of planning.
    Planning is winning jus as winning is breathing. No one succeeds by luck,you must have a smarter plan. Shallow men thinks of luck just any dummy can succeed if it cares to know what it takes. It takes sound planning to take. To make a great product know the material. A great plan needs a great raw material. No one reigns without use of brain. Every gain is a result of use of the brain the use of senses that makes a plan . Designing a logical, reasoning is engaging in art of analytical thinking. Every great planner is analytical thinking. Keep your Faith in perspective. ….
    If the work doesn't generate enough wages don't engage them. .. build gradually from one to two-3. Don't kill your tomorrow by poor planning today. The use of the brain enhances quality of our planning. Life is practical not mystical which produces a tragic end…
    Offer goods and services. Every gain is traceable to the use of the brain….
    I read and I think…. Take a pen a write your ideas…
    Every dedicated thinker emerges a great planner. Think your way through. Analyse disect .
    If you are not committed to do mental work you will do manual work.
    Make your brain work it will sweat but gradually you'll become an envy to people sorrounding you
    A commitment to brain work culminates quality of plan affects quality of your output.
    It's brain work that makes things work.

    God's ways are not lower they're higher.
    If you want things to work start in beggining.
    Without a plan you'll eat what you have.
    Your true image is your product not to your posture
    Great planning leads to great results
    Light has to be be for plan to be. God says let there be light.
    By wisdom cc rested be the earth by understanding he establishes it.
    Strategic planning is the baseline,no short cuts,must be sequential. One after the other.
    Organisational structure Exodus 18.
    Spirituality is not against reasoning but it enhances it.
    Call yourself to a meeting…, debate issues at hand and stood up to work out the plan

    Plan today and play tomorrow
    If you can think enough,what you have is enough…
    Don't wait for it to be great to be in place.
    Have Grace to be committed to the plans.
    If you break the rules don't expect anyone to respect the plans.

  2. I am greatly blessed by this… God loves me. After spending time to pray and fast, the Holy Spirit should guide us into taking the right steps. One of the first things He's done for me is to bring me in contact with this message


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