Jody Keck shares an end-time vision told to her by the last living link to the Azusa Street Revival… ▷▷Your Upper Room …


  1. My wife Maria Teresa was operated on her dissected aorta and aneurysm on October 22, 2022.
    I am desperately praying to Abba Father God our Creator for creative miracle of a heaven sent provision of new natural aorta to replace the artificial one, for her complete, total and immediate healing, restoration and recovery – and be discharge soon from the hospital where we are admitted until at this time. Please pray for her also.
    This is her husband Tony Santillan from the Philippines.
    God bless you all.

  2. God has done miracles for me people think I am pulling leg when I tell them what Jesus,god has done for me. Please have a deep relationship with him now. Look at 444 prophecy news.God is warning what is coming for 2023.

  3. Lord, am desperate to receive Your Healing & wholeness – to have the energy to get things in order (from the current chaos). Lord, that I may be able to walk. Lord, I plead Your Precious Blood over all my body- eyesight/ floaters & flashes (retina issue), dental problems, heart liver, kidneys, right hip & right knee. Lord have pity & mercy on me & on all I carry in my heart. Only because of Your love, my Lord, that I can face tomorrow. Only because of You, that I don't give up. MM

  4. Sid, you could help me so much but I do not want to be selfish . I know I will meet you eventually because I'm writing a book about our savior and what he did in my life. But you could answer so many questions

  5. Hi Jody Keck & Thanks 🙏 4 Sharing Tommy Welche's Testimony of The Azusa Revival Where Truly Our Great Almighty God Worked Thru Tommy Welche As His Workmanship Created In Christ Jesus Written In Ephesians 2:10 4 I Have Been Blessed By Tommy Welche's Testimony of The Azusa Revival But It's Sad That Jody Keck Is Making Merchandise Out of Our Great Almighty God Whose Judgement Now Lingereth Not & Whose Damnation Slumbereth Not Written In 2nd Peter 2:3 Where I Hope Jody Keck Used Tommy Welche As Disciple of The Gospel of Jesus Christ & Genuinely & God Bless Yu Jody Keck & Sid Roth So Very Much.🙏🕊️🕊️🙏

  6. I realize the Fire in your story was the Holy Spirit, but I had a dream of fire falling from the sky in 2010. It was broad daylight and people were running and screaming. I walked outside unafraid. It was like I had an invisible bubble around me. When I looked up I could tell it was stars falling. I could reach out to people but they couldn’t touch me directly. I was saying, “Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved!” Then I woke up.

  7. "Acts 2:17, In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people; your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams."

    Based on this verse, aren't the old men prophesied to DREAM DREAMS..Distinguished from the YOUNG ONES who are prophesied to be the ones SEEING VISIONS?


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