We are an interdenominational and non-denominational international Ministry to the body of Christ with the mandate of restoring …


  1. What a word! I finally understand what confessing the does. I first heard the term from Derek Prince, he calls it Proclamation. Today I received great grace to comprehend finally confessions and strongholds

  2. I had a question, when the Scripture says in John 13 Satan entered Judas, what does that mean? Does it mean Satan possessed his body ? And if so, does not Satan has a body because He is a fallen Angel? I would want more clarity on this thanks.

  3. At times when I pray for longer periods than normal, at night I experience trache. A dark shadow like a person pulls me backwards from my back. Then, my desire for praying cools down. Again, I bounce back and experience the same. Do I need some sort of deliverance?

  4. What does cars mean in the dream? in different occasions the lord showed me different cars in the dream and I drive everyone of them, the devil steals dem from me in the dream, God keeps giving me new ones and the devil keeps stealing them from me.


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