This movie is the Production of Kingsway Drama Ministry produced by ODEYEMI PETER KEHINDE. You will be blessed as you …


  1. I want to ask, can devil give you a true dream? didn't the bible say that he and his agents are all liars? Yet this film is based on a demonic dream. May God give us the grace to overcome and the knowledge that will set us free

  2. What kind of drama is this that doesn't show the finished work of Christ on the cross the problem is I don't know where they get there revelations from very unscriptural and demonic I don't even know if u people study the bible at all what a waste of time my advise is that u people should go back to the bible and stop brining out drama that glorifies the devil

  3. Highly anointed movie!! The prayers unearthed the Aroko used against we children in the house we lived when I was ten years old, many decades ago!! It was a mystery I had been praying to solve for ages and God showed me in a dream the same night after I watched this movie. God bless you more🙏🙏


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